Plug Wires

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Shakedown, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. Shakedown

    Shakedown Jr. Dragster

    Feb 12, 2005
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    How Many Passes Are MSD Wires Good For On A Hemi With A 44. Black Wires If That Makes A Differnce. Having Probs Keeping The Cylinders Lit Mainly 5-7-8. Checked everything else thats the only thing that I can think of.... Thanks For Any Help.....
  2. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Ohm the wires and see if they are over 50 ohms per foot
    what are you gapping the plugs at ? If the plug gap is too wide the spark will go out when the boost goes up. ;)
  3. big blue oval

    big blue oval Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    I would just ohm them...went thru something similar with a set of NEW wires...don't try to put a number of passes on them...sometimes they fail...also remember that coil wire fires 8 times more than the plug wires......
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    According to the back room boys at MSD the ohming of the wires is only part of it. The big problem with wires is that the outer insulation breaks down and shorts the spark to ground or over to another wire. The biigest single problem with Pro Mag ignition systems is the ignition wires. As already said the coil wire goes even faster because it takes the high voltage evertime a plug fires.
  5. Shakedown

    Shakedown Jr. Dragster

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Im gapping at 16. The ohms are 50 by the ft is that correct.....The prob is getting worse leaned on the cyl individually in ref to the temps but they have fell of about 400 give r take.....
  6. Joad Donnelly

    Joad Donnelly Member

    Jul 2, 2009
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    We fought plug wire problems the whole time we were running MSD wires.......ends falling off while doing between round maintenance, dropping cylinders due to a multitude of different plug wire issues. We got to the point where we just thought constant plug wire hassles were a part of racing, we even bought the trick MSD plug wire pliers. One day I opened the hood on an car I had & there was a BBC that I had built originally 20 years ago. On the big block was a set of Moroso Blue Max wires which I bought when I originally built this the engine and I never had one issue with them. It was one of those "hmmmmm, am I missing the obvious here?" Granted they weren't getting blasted by a ProMag 44 but they hadn't exactly had an easy life. So the next set of wires I bought were Moroso, I didn't think we had much to lose. That was over three years ago and there has been zero problems............all those spare parts are gathering dust. We've ohmed them out a couple times and talked about changing the coil wire. But other than use the brake clean trick when putting them back on the plug and abuse them we haven't done anything.

    Joad Donnelly
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  7. Shakedown

    Shakedown Jr. Dragster

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Educate me on the break clean ??? Thank U.
  8. Joad Donnelly

    Joad Donnelly Member

    Jul 2, 2009
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    It's when the company lays-off all the cleaning crew and they expect you to clean up after yourself in the break room. :D

    Now for the real answer............we spray a shot of brake clean into the plug boot just before installing it. It gives it enough lubrication to let the boot slide on easily (very easy to feel a solid "click") but then dries out & actually helps lock the boot in place. We used to use the type of lube that MSD recommends but the brake clean trick works much better.

  9. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    I am not bad mouthing anything, but years ago I put a set of Moroso Blue wires on my injected alky dragster. On the 3 week we ran it @ night. It looked like a light show @ a concert.Just saying, there can be a problems with anything you just have to try different things and settle with what makes you happy. or works for you. Don
  10. Micetich

    Micetich Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    We have been using Magnecor wires with good results. Thought the MSD wires failed too often.
  11. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    Put a new coil on it, although they test "good", many times you put a brand new one on and pesto problem solved. Moroso has a new set of tubes out for the pro mag setup, supposed to perform better than the MSD.

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #35
  12. GumBGone

    GumBGone Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Moroso Wires

    A few years ago I wrote Moroso asking if there Ultra 40 wire would work with a magneto ignition, this is there response.
    I don't know what their position is now.


    Ultra 40 would be fine.
    The problem is a simple one. The folks that are worried about spiral core
    wires may be right in some cases for some brands. The higher the amperage
    the more heat that can be built up due to the wires resistance, the result
    is typically a broken conductor and a dropped cylinder. I must stress that
    NOT all wires are the same. Don't be intimidated though. I prefer not to
    put other products down, I'd rather give you a little more information.

    Solid core is always an option for low-voltage, low-amperage situations.
    What gives it the advantage there is the lack of resistance provides better
    conductivity between the magneto and the plugs. You'll see this wire used
    on breaker point ignition applications as well as some Vertex or older
    Mallory mags. The problem with a solid core wire is the lack of suppression
    necessary to keep the RF down and allow today's data acquisition to work

    Ultra 40 is the right balance and should be the best choice for your
    It can be used on everything from a breaker point distributor all the way to
    today's MSD magnetos. The construction is complex, so I won't bore you with
    terms, but the premise is simple, it transfers the most energy possible.
    So, go ahead and put the set on your engine.

    If you have time, you can find additional details regarding plug wires on
    our website;

    Thanks for your interest in our products!
  13. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I guess I find it hard to believe that MSD who we all know makes the most powerful tacing mag in the world hasn't continued to refine their plug wires until they are either the best or equal to the best available for the task of carrying that super amperage high voltage that the 44 puts out. I believe that any brand plug wire will breakdown after a set period of time. Like I said before it is the insulation that gives the most trouble. In blown alcohol racin. The higher the dynamic pressure in the cylinder the harder it is for the high voltage to jump the plug gap so the more the voltage seeks out other paths which maybe a crack in the cap or a weak spot in the plug wire insulation. You cannot expect a set of wires to last a whole season. If you are a active racer you may need up to three sets of wires a season. I do highly recommend buying the MSD crimping tool. It will stop a lot of failures and make life a lot easier. (The right tool for the job). I would be very careful to not tie wrap all the wires together so the all run close to each other and I would be very careful when you pull the wires off the plugs between rounds and how you handle them. Also be careful on what you clean the wires with as the wrong stuff will weaken the insulation and make them break down faster. Also you cannot use solid core wires on MSD ignition systems. Moroso wires probably work fine but probably break down just as fast at MSD wires when used in the same environment. If the truth be known we would probably find that there are only one or two companies that make all the plug wires for every diferent company.
  14. Joad Donnelly

    Joad Donnelly Member

    Jul 2, 2009
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    I tend to agree with you Mike, I have a hard time believing MSD wires wouldn't be as good as any of the others out there. When we were running the MSD wires I would agree that three sets of wires a season would be believable. We did buy the plug wire crimping tool from we could repair the repeated failures of the plug end of the wire which was the factory crimped end from MSD.

    I'm not hear to bad mouth a product and have nothing to gain by telling people the success we've had with the one set of Moroso wires we've been running the last three years. I just know how frustrating it was dealing with our never ending plug wire issues in the past and it has been nice not having to mess with them. Just saying what is working for us at this time.

    What is this cleaning plug wires you speak of?! Maybe that is our secret to our good luck with the Moroso wires........just let them get saturated in Redline racing oil & let the grunge build up to form an extra layer of insulation! lol Seriously, they've never been cleaned can't even tell they were blue at one time.


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