Off Topic: Shirley Muldowney email...

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Scouder, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    My 9 year old daughter received a t-shirt autographed by Shirley as a gift from a friend. It was signed at the Denver event a few weeks ago. It was a beautiful autograph, straight across the top of the back of the shirt, and perfectly legible. Payton is racing a methanol Junior dragster, and idolizes Shirley, so she was ecstatic. She was so pleased she wrote an email to Shirley thanking her, and telling her how much it meant. Yesterday we got a personal email addressed to Payton from Shirley. She acknowledged the autograph, and explained to Payton that respecting the fans and giving them fond memories is extremely important, and that there are still racers out there that understand that. She went on to give her advice on racing, and to remind her that there is always another race, so if her gut says to lift, listen to it.

    I was seriously impressed that Shirley would take the time to write a personal response to a 9 year old girl. I guess that goes to show that being a true Champion doesn't go away when you retire.

  2. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    That's as cool as it gets !!

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