New Top Fuel Driver

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by michael hall, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. michael hall

    michael hall New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Guess most of you have read by now Anna Lisa Smith, daughter of Bruton Smith, wants to drive a Top Fueler next year? It even states that she has never even drove anything more powerful than a street car. Just goes to prove that if mommy and daddy have a huge bank account, ANYONE can get a ride. It's this kinda crap that makes it impossible for those "little guys" out here that have paid their dues and grew up in the sport to sit out and watch it from the 2 cents.
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Get a job or find a sponsor that will fund your deal or get some experience and find a guy like DSR to put you in a car.

    Smith's daughter doesn't make it "impossible" for anyone to get a ride. It's not like there are a limited number of spots available. You shouldn't be upset because it does nothing to stop you or anyone else from doing the same.

    There are a lot of people out their who are products of the "Lucky Sperm Club". I wasn't one of them, and I'll never forgive my Dad for that.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  3. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    look at the majority of drivers now mommy and daddy's dime and connections
    it ain't fair but get use to it, we would do it for our kids also, life ain't fair

    Brewing the Juice and playing the lottery

    Bama Boyz:D
  4. nitrohemi

    nitrohemi injected nitro!!

    Nov 17, 2007
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    tad 2155

    So what your sayin tad2155 is
    cowboy up !!
    its a big tough world out there kidd. & quit your whinning , get back to work

    Sorry mike we are just busting balls thats what we do. lol all in fun

    look @ the bright side she will look good in a fire suit!! she will get alot of press for the sport , but @ least we had great promotion from the alky ranks for 08 Spencer Massey , there was someone that paid there dues.That kid came from the Jr dragster ranks , & worked on alot of dragsters, & funny cars , before he was 21 than , got behind the wheel , & worked on the car in between rounds. So in 09 when those two get paired up & race each other we will see what real disire & talent truley are .
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  5. fuelslut

    fuelslut New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    anyone got her number or email address?
  6. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    a/f school

    one would think she'll go through the A/F ranks at least one season?
  7. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    If she wanted to drive Funny Car, then I'd say she may actually become a driver. No offense to dragster drivers, but compared to other vehicles in competition, all you do is point it, cut a good light, hope your team did everything right putting your car back together, and hope you got the right clutch tuneup.

    She will look good in a fire suit though. :)
  8. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Roy Hill thinks they'll be able to skip it because they have zMax Dragway at their disposal. She could do more runs in a week than she could in an entire season, granted its not in competition. Sucks to be her..
  9. michael hall

    michael hall New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    ok ok ok

    Randy and Nitro hemi, I can see where it looks like I may be "whining" as you put it.
    However, you don't even know me, never met me, so how can you be so ballsy to reply with those statements? I was not refering to me, but to the many "low buck" guys or gals out there who just do not get the ink or the backing to drive a top ten car. Just because she was born with a mega buck mommy and daddy and great looks, she gets the shot at it? So what you are saying, is if a non experienced driver with alot of money approached you two and asked to drive your car, or a less attractive woman, with tons of racing and media experience approached with less money, you would let her drive first right?
    Let her have some seat time in a super comp car, then maybe an A/Fuel car for a season, like Will said. Let her prove her talents, not just but them.
    And yes...she will look great in a firesuit. I'd wait inline to get her to sign a pic!
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  10. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    i call bs

    As Scelzi and others have said, you shouldn't be able to run TF without racing at least one or more seasons in TAD, TAFC, or even PM for that matter. Hell at least run something before trying to jump in and compete in TF.

    Roy Hill may be good, but he ain't that good...nobody is..
  11. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    It's so easy.

    How many championships have you earned in a blown alcohol dragster? Could you give the rest of us lessons? Please?
  12. Doug

    Doug Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    It's not like she is stealing somebodies ride, it will be one more car. Doug
  13. Kenneth S

    Kenneth S Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    What a bunch of cry babies! Daddy's is not going to finance her T/F ride, even with their connections it doesn't mean she gonna have sponsors lining up at her front door with the way things are now, you never know she could be a natural, or she could tap the throttle once on a T/F car on her first warm up and it scares her enough that she won't ever want to sit in one again, if she can make it as a T/F driver it would be great it, (and after reading all the crap on the internet about her I'm sure she would love to prove all you keyboard racers wrong), besides it would make T/F eliminator intresting again instead of it being the incredibly boring Tony/Schumacher eliminator.
  14. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    While I cant speak for all low buck racers out there I cay say for myself that it doesnt bother me in the least bit that Ms. Smith will be piloting a nitro car in the not so distant future. Dont get me wrong, Id love to come up with the necessary funds and enough wheel time to approach Randy G or another owner like him about piloting an alcohol car. I dont pay it much mind when somebody Ive never heard of jumps into the seat of a top notch alochol or fuel ride. Sure sometimes I feel like Ive paid my dues. I worked hard to pay for my own SC operation when I was 23 ( only to have some low life asshole steal the whole thing ten years later ) Ive spent 3 years in a Trick Titanium can on 2 D7 TAFCs. I have the desire and the ability to drive a car but all that and 5 bucks will get me a cup of Starbucks but it doesnt get me a seat in one of those cars, nor does it any other low buck racer.

    You either have to have a boat load of money or be in the right place at the right time. Most of us low buck racers dont have the money and havent been fortunate enough to be there at the right time.


    Dude that takes a lot of balls to make a statement like that about not bieing tough to drive a dragster. What have you driven that gives you the rightt o spout off like that?
  15. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    I'd let her drive my car...Hell, I'd let her drive the Truck and Trailer, as long as she cleaned it..:D
  16. Bruce

    Bruce New Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    I'm more interested in how the weight transfer of her chest might up set the car especially if she has to pedal it.
  17. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Put a ring on her finger..

    I can see this thread is headed for a CURVY turn:eek:
  18. Bruce

    Bruce New Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    Those T/F cars do pull some hard G's.
  19. michael hall

    michael hall New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    keyboard racers

    gee, all this coming from a "crewchief"...ever swap feet in a real race car Kenneth?? I do own, drive, and help tune my family's blown six second two hundred mph altered. I am 37, and have grown up with an alcohol funny car in the garage or something with a blower on it. I do the bottom end on a TAFC, do the clutch on my car, have driven several cars, an injected funny car, a gas dragster and a skinny tired low 9 second door car that skated all the way down on each run.
    My point to this whole thing is someone with NO experience getting behind the wheel of a car with 7000 horsepower. I would like to see her do well, and yes, add another car to the field. What I do not want to see is her get in over her head, and put her life or another racers life in jeopardy because of a lack of experience and seat time in a 4 second, 300 mph car.
    So please, for the final time, do not read into this as crying or whining.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  20. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Marty and Frankie, I haven't won any championships and I'm not trying to take anything away from A/Fuel and TAD's, believe me, I like it all! Fast is Fast and I wasn't inferring that it doesn't take some talent and a hell of a lot of effort to get them A-B. Sorry for letting my bias for F/C show. :D But between my old 9.90 Mustang and a Super Comp car i got a few runs in, the Mustang was by far the bigger handful to get down the track. I've never driven a sub 7.40 vehicle, and I'm sorry if ANYONE who drives/has driven a rail inferred any disrespect. I did not mean it.

    All I meant by my comments were that all she will be doing to that car is riding up the staging lanes in the tow vehicle, getting in and using her right foot. I can't see daddy making her break down a motor or servicing her own clutch, even checking her tire pressure and rollout, or doing anything that everyone here has done. Because of her "daddy's" connections, she already has a pretty powerful agent searching out sponsors for her, arguably the best facility in the country at her disposal anytime she wants it, and a teacher who is investing a lot of time and money in her.

    I wouldn't even put her in an alcohol class if she's never driven in competition before and her only experience is watching them. That's an insult to the alcohol ranks. This isn't somebody who has worked on cars all her life, or crewed for someone and knows the ropes. I say make her run S/C or T/D for a season and cart her to 20 races over the season and see how she holds up, then maybe move her up a notch.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008

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