New to Blown...

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Outlaw68, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Just wanted to introduce myself. I have enjoyed reading the stuff here, some of you know me from my nitrous days and I recognize your names. This is a pretty new arena for me and so far I LOVE IT!!

    First question,
    Can you send a standard 60* rotor blower off and get it made into a 130* or will it need to be a delta opening.. Pro's and cons???

    Second question
    Is there a formula for figuring the out high speeds?? Or is it just trial and error??? I have the help of a couple friends who are very knowledgable but dont want to pester them all the So I thought I would pester you guys...

    Thanks in advance.
    Jim Howe jr...
    Crossville Tn.
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    On the blower rotors. Changing the twist from 60* to 120* changes the output flow characteristics of the blower and moves it forward therefore the requirement for the different exit hole.

    The size of the high speed depends on the amount of boost and the GPM. On an average it is around .060" on a high horsepower motor but that is only an average. The best way is to start off tuning without a high speed and tune for max finishline MPH, plug readings and EGTs. Then use a high speed starting off with around .040 and work your way up in size while watching the 330" times and the finishline MPH and reading the plugs and EGTs. To go beyond that you would push it for little upper bearing smash.
  3. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Thanks. Only I cant tune it any further without the fuel managment, I have it so fat it is not burning any cad, and running good, but If I lean it out anymore on the main, the car leaves way to hard. I have two electric high speeds plumbed in, and I am gonna start playing with them this weekend.
    I have the cylinders balanced pretty well hottest is 940* and coldest is 928* EGT. I feel thats as good as its gonna get as far as balance goes but I need to shed some fuel off it now...
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Here is something you might want to try. Take one of the electric high speeds and hook it to a Digi-Set timer and activate the Digi-Set with a WOT switch and through a clutch switch so when the pedal is fully depressed and the clutch is released the Digi-Set starts and runs for .2 seconds then opens up a "electric high speed" with around a .080 jet in it. You can vary the time depending on traction or track quality. What this will do is run your fuel system way rich on launch for that .2 seconds so you get traction then it shuts off goes to normal fuel flow and away you go. Then activate the real high speed at 7000-7200 RPM for more power and hold on.
  5. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Mike thats the way mine is now.
    I took my old nos timers and wired them to TWO nos fuel solinoids. I have been helping a guy for a couple years with his and that how we done it. We use 3 on it.
    I have two on mine now.

    Just hat and down and 1 return off the K-valve. Then from the K valve at the bottom into the fuel solinoids. I have a 42 in one and a 41 in the other to start. I am gonna turn the first one on about .8 out and the second at 1.8. I looked at the RPM on the play back and where I feel the car get sloppy to determine this, just wasnt sure about the area of the two. But the one I turned on the 42 and it only picked it up .01 and 1 mph.. Still not burning any cad....So I know I am still PIG FAT. It is a GLIDE car so the RPM drop on the shift makes it even harder as FAT as it is...
    Thank you for your input. I will check this in the A.M before I go to the track,,,,,,
    Thanks again,
  6. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I would try .080 on the launch and see if that will settle things down then .060 on the high speed and start pulling fuel out to get heat in the plugs.

    How much boost do you make at 8000 rpm? Do you have any idea as to how many GPMs you are flowing into the motor in high gear at 8000 rpm?
  7. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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  8. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    Wow, nice... But man, you're nuts. Drop those bars down a bit and stop carrying the front wheels to the 330' mark, lol.

    btw, you might want to come up to Benton, IL next year for the Southern Illinois King of the Street series.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007

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