Need trailer transported from CA toTX

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by G Martin, Sep 21, 2022.

  1. G Martin

    G Martin Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    I know this is not a tech question but:

    My enclosed trailer is sitting in Rescue, CA (about 30 miles east of Sacramento). I am looking for someone who could pull it to Stephenville, TX (about 60 miles west of Fort Worth) for me. The distance is right about 1700 miles. It is a gooseneck style trailer setup for 2 5/16" ball in tow vehicle, triple axle, 42' long, 100" wide, about 9' high. It weighs about 14,000 lbs. total with about 3400 lbs. on the ball. The gooseneck structure on the front of the trailer is a little low for some of the newer pickup beds (which are higher than most of the older pickup beds). The gooseneck coupler is set up for a tow vehicle ball height of about 36-38". With this ball height, probably the maximum bed height of the tow vehicle would need to be 48" or less for clearance to the gooseneck structure.

    With all this said, anyone willing to help or have a recommendation of who I could hire would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    Greg Martin
    (530) 677-6911

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