MSD 8973 questions

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by altered boy, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. altered boy

    altered boy Outlaw Altered

    Aug 4, 2003
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    ONLY LOOKING FOR FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE... please no third hand or 'i know this one guy' stuff

    so if you run an MSD 8973 can you fill me in on these things please:

    1) what is your application? (type of car, engine type, fuel used, et/mph of car, trans)

    2) do you like it? why/why not?

    3) any problems?
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    First hand.....
    1. Got one on a ProMod and a TAFC.
    a. Promod is a Rootes blown alcohol Ford hemi runs 1/8 mile.
    b. TAFC is screw blown 426 hemi runs 1/4 mile.

    2. Nothing to dislike but I wish it had two more RPM controlled switches vice just one.

    3. Never had a problem.

    4. The one biggest thing that can give you a problem is to use a crank trigger WITHOUT a shielded and grounded crank trigger cable. Without this shielded cable the electrical noise from the mag and plugs firing will randomly fire the mag making it look like detonation. This problem is on all MSD ignition systems and not just the 8973. When the 8973 first came out some racers didn't understand this and damaged some motors and they now blame the 8973 for the rest of its life.

    5. The other problem is some racers find it hard to understand some of the functions and get them wrong and blame the 8973.:D

    TONY PRESTO Member

    May 15, 2006
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    We have an outlaw 10.5 car 526 Hemi roots 10.71
    we of course run alcohol for fuel
    car has gone 7.09 @ 206 at 3150 lbs.
    2 speed lenco drive
    we like it cause it is very tunable and holds a memory of your previous tuneups , you can also make tuneups at home and record them for when you go to the track.
    We have had no problems,we run it directly from the mag with no crank trigger, and like Mike said ,so much options that some racers find it confusing

    without it our car won't get off the line
  4. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Have used one on a 14/71 hemi RED no crank trigger. Works great, I have used everthing from MSD the 8979 to the digital 7 so the 8973 was just more of the same.

    As Mike said any of the MSD components need the shielded trigger.

    I also like to use the big MSD capacitor 8830 to cushion voltage, and put all my electronics in a metal enclosure to keep emi out, and run silicone rectifiers at all of my coil feeds to keep flyback current out of the cars electrical system. Is this needed? probably not, but its cheap insurance.

    Richard G
  5. altered boy

    altered boy Outlaw Altered

    Aug 4, 2003
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    great guys... i appreciate the replies. keep'm coming. anyone else? anyone? bueller? bueller?

    so... where are the horror stories? cuz i know they gotta be out there somewhere?
  6. Flyboy68

    Flyboy68 Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Search "8973"...that'll keep ya busy for a couple of :D
  7. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    selling parts

    on behalf of all the parts manufacturers on this site like grp rods, winberg cranks, etc., i whole heartedly endorse the msd 8973 box. works great on the track and good for the parts business.

    i think my opinion is well documented on this site. all things remaining equal, its a pain in the ass for the fact you have to drag a laptop around to make changes. with a six shooter you can make changes in the lanes with a few chips, and if you have a leahy box, change timers the same way you set your alarm clock.

    i thought the software interface left alot to be desired, and i'm a computer guy.
  8. Blown540

    Blown540 Blown Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 21, 2007
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    8973 results

    The car I help with has run a 8973 for the past two years with no problems ever. The motor is a KB 526 blown alcohol Hemi with PowerGlide and runs 3.85s to 3.89s on the 1/8mile when when using the 8973, it would not even move without the timing retards we use, and that is all we use on it, we keep it simple and it is wired with the shielded wires also-Blown540

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