msd 8973 problem

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by letitrip, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. letitrip

    letitrip New Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    Ok,went to the track,first shakdown pass blowed the tires away big time,making good power,pulled 2 degrees out on my time graph to 10 degrees pulled after the brake is relesed,went out,car was way down on power,car is now hard to start,checked timming,lost 10 degrees some where,checked magg for movement,crank trigger didnt move,pulled up my tree in the program ,watch my retard on the lap top as i started the engine,there it was,hit the transbrake button and released it,timming went back in,cleared my time graph boom,works like its supposed to,re did my graph,started it up,push the transbrake in and the timing is pulling and ramping it back in like its supposed to,had the 8973 foe 3 years and never had this do this,anybody else has had this problem?
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    As you probably know when you start the car it starts in the Run Retard Curve and the Time Retard Curve is active and when you hit the transbrake button the 8973 switches to the Launch Retard Curve and resets the Time Retard Curve to the "ready to lauch" mode. From what you are saying the 8973 failed to reset when the 12 volts was applied through the transbrake button prior to the run. I would try two things. First update the ProData software from the MSD site on your laptop, if you haven't already done so, and reload it on the 8973. Secondly I would check all the connections from the transbrake button to the blue wire on the 8973 and make sure all the connections are good.

    I would have thought to control the launch that you would be using the Launch Retard function vice the Time Retard Curve or did I misunderstand what you were saying?.
  3. letitrip

    letitrip New Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    Thanks for the tips,i have the updated software,and ill check the connections,doesnt the launch and time retard work the same way,i might be missing something here.
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The Time Retard Curve is not designed as a Launch Retard (In the Data Editor and NOT the Launch Retard Curve Graph). I think you would be happier on the Launch Retard. A big difference is the Launch Retard applies the retard when the transbrake button is held on and then releases it and ramps it back in when the button is realeased. The Time Curve does not apply the retard to the motor until the button is released. So with Time Retard Curve the motor is applying full power against your converter at stage and then suddenly lowers the power when the transbrake is released. I think you would get a smoother application of power by using the Launch Retard that pulls the power out at stage. It might be worth trying. You might make a difference to the initial hit on the rear wheels and maybe a smoother launch. It should also be easier on the converter. Using the Launch Retard would also stop what happened to you.
  5. letitrip

    letitrip New Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    I will give it a try,makes since,thanks!

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