MSD 12 performance

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by B/AA813, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. B/AA813

    B/AA813 New Member

    Jan 16, 2008
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    I`am running a 375 cid blown alky big block topped with a 14-71 HH Mert retro here in Germany in comp eliminator.
    From 5500 rpm up it makes over 40 lbs. of boost.
    As i´am using a MSD 12 mag alot of people that come over shake theire
    heads about the ignition setup used.
    I never had a single ignition failure (to my knowlege)
    Will i need to upgrade to a MSD 20 or even bigger?

    Any help would be apreciated.

  2. nitrohaulic

    nitrohaulic Bracket Racer

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I bought a Supermag from Jeff Mould that was bumped up to 7 amps. He said when he went from that to a 44 his car didn't improve. I believe he said his blower was making 45 lbs?
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    5.64 @ 255 with a pair of 12's 10 years ago.
  4. osolberg

    osolberg New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Upgrade to 20

    Hi Björn ! We ran an MSD 12 in our 477 CID BBC dragster with 27 lbs boost and never had a problem. The new engine is a 397 CID and makes 47 lbs of boost, so we chose a MSD 44 mag to be safe (and allow for a programmable 8973 controller). BUT: you could look into upgrading the 12 to a 20. I think Lehay offers that at a very reasonable cost. And you can keep all the rest of your setup. Call me at +47-90122977 if you want to discuss any blown BBC matters. I speak German. MfG Craftsman Racing, Norway.
  5. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    You can't "Be too rich, too thin, or have too much spark". :p
  6. Dale H.

    Dale H. Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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    Just make sure you keep your spark plug gap close (015 to 018)
  7. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    i would update to a 20 through Leahy, it's not that expensive to do and i think you need it with the boost that you are running. we run a 14 HH with around 40 pounds and MSD told me that a 20 would be fine, but when the boost goes up you will need more spark. i could probably burn a little more fuel with a 44, but for what i am doing this is working for me. a 20 is also a little easier on wires, caps, etc. my 2 cents....go with at least a 20.
  8. Policy Peddler

    Oct 12, 2005
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    Per MSD engineers

    When I was talking to the design Engineers at MSD, their statement was that if your fuel is right on a 20 or 44 will not improve performance. If your system is sometimes too rich or not on, then the 20 and 44 will improve performance at those times.

    I have a multi engine pulling tractor.
    Side note, I was having a TERRIBLE time with breaking belts, read that, one or two belts every run, I was heading for 25 for the season. I was ordering 5 every week. The interesting deal was I would break them the first run, if I could replace them and come right back I would not have a problem. I changed EVERYTHING, fuel system, belt tension, timing and more.
    I had made several calls to MSD discussing what could be the problem, a long with many other people and companies in the racing industry. At the end of one of our conversations I asked the engineer if brake clean would hurt the wires his response was "cleaning products will not bother the wires, BUT if wires are stored in a damp cold area then they will get pores and will hold moisture". I had purchased 8 of the 20 amp promags used. I immediatly changed wires and stopped breaking belts, since then I went to the 11 mm belts. In the 3 years since I have not broken a belt! So bring those mags inside during the winter rather than an unheated shop, replace the coil to mag wire every year as it fires 8 times more than the plug wires.

    Interesting thing is I found out the previous owner had the same problem and could not figure it out.

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