Mr. & Mrs. Panman:Two Of The Best

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by diecast153, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. diecast153

    diecast153 New Member

    Aug 7, 2005
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    I always post about how the ALCOHOL RACERS here in DIV. 1 are like a BIG FAMILY.Well now that I am entering my so called "GOLDEN YEARS" I was sent off with a very suprising gift at E-town.I was given this BUD LIGHT BUCKET filled with items that will help me get started.I got all kinds of OLD AGE PAIN HEALING "SNAKE OIL",some SQUARE BOTTLE so I can sleep at night,a slightly used piston for a paper weight to hold down my SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK STUBS,and even some treats for "THE CISCO KID".By the way he loves them.SCOTT you and your BRIDE are the BEST.I have to say THANK YOU a million times.


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