Midwest Pro Outlaw at Eddyville Raceway Park

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Kramer Metal Fab Inc., May 19, 2015.

  1. Kramer Metal Fab Inc.

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Midwest Pro Outlaw Eliminator set to debut at Eddyville Raceway Park this Memorial Day weekend May 23.

    The idea for this unusual class was developed this past winter by track owner Gerald Kramer and several racers who have fast cars with very little opportunity to race competitively with out traveling long distances. The class is open to any type of race car based on a 4.00 index on the 1/8th mile using a Chicago style format. The 2 qualifing rounds are scheduled for 5 and 7pm Sat. with the final at 9pm.

    For this the 1st race for this class Gerald says they have 8 racers who are planning to attend this race and with a real diverse type of cars. Scott Gaulter is bringing his Nitro Madness F/A, Chuck Baird is coming with his potent blown front engine dragster, John Welter will be attending with his turbo charged 68 Firebird Pro Mod, David Janes will have his Pro Nitrous 69 Camaro Pro Mod, Dan De Vore and Neal Hinman will have their blown Camaro Pro Mods, and Dave Lowe and Rusty Kramer will have their blown rear engine dragsters for this 1st event. Several others that plan to run the 4 race series are not ready yet but hope to attend later events. Anyone else that has a car that fits the class are welcome to attend, just let Gerald know if you want to come so we can plan for parking. Details on the class can be found on the Eddyville website, www.eddyvilleraceway.com.

    Eddyville Raceway would like to thank the following companies for supporting this new class: Advance Transmission, Wright Way Trailer Sales, Jasper Co. Speed Shop, Trick Tools, Hidy Fuel Systems, Kramer Metal Fab. And Crossroads RV Park.

    Other classes running this weekend include all of the regular points classes of Top, Modified, Street, Jr Dragster, plus these special classes: Top Sportsman, Top Dragster, Stick Shift class, Hot Rod, and the Iowa True 10.5 Tire class.
  2. Kramer Metal Fab Inc.

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Results from first Midwest Pro Outlaw Race Eddyville Raceway Park

    Results from the first Midwest Pro Outlaw Eliminator race at Eddyville Raceway Park

    Racers and fans were greeted with a beautiful day for the first event of this class. Seven racers showed for this the first of 4 races for this class scheduled at ERP. Four Pro Mods (2 blower cars, 1 nitrous, and 1 turbo) 2 rear engine blown T/AD`s, and a Nitro F/A made for a very interesting mix of cars. Several others who have cars that were not ready were in attendance and will be ready for the next one on June 27.
    The 1st round of 2 qualifiers for the Chicago style format had Rusty Kramer in his brand new rear engine car lay down a 4.29 ET in only his 7th pass in the car while Neal Hinman in his blown Pro Mod shook the tires and shut down to a 4.58 second run. John Welter in his turbo Pro Mod also had some shake problems and David Janes in his Nitrous Pro Mod couldn`t hold the car in the beams with a trans brake problem.
    Roger `Radar` Lechtenberg the veteran driver of Scott Gaulter`s Nitro Madness F/A laid down a 4.10 second run on the 1st run of the year for that team. In the last pair Dan De Vore in his blown Pro Mod who has been battling shake problems in testing ran a 4.38 while Dave Lowe in his blown rear engine car was doing a huge wheelstand in the other lane and broke the front end of the car on the landing putting him out of competition for the day.
    Round 2 saw Kramer improve slightly to a 4.27 against the F/A of Radar who in true F/A fashion used all of his lane with a shut off 4.47. Welter thin ran a early shut off 5.35 when Hinman had problems with his car. The last pair saw Dan De Vore improve to a 4.27 while Janes had more trans brake problems. This run was .0003 better than Kramer`s so it would be a blown Pro Mod taking on the Nitro F/A in the final.
    In the best run of the day De Vore improved to a 4.21 @ 171 mph but Lechtenberg ran a great 4.03 at 181 to take the win. It was a good start for this class with all of the racers that attended planning on running more of these events and others close to being ready and the fans loved the diversity of cars. ERP would like to thank the racers and sponsors who have supported this class and we can`t wait for the next one.

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