
Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by tad2155, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Hope all is ok for Marty, is he ok

    Bama Boyz
  2. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    This was posted on a different forum, I'm not sure where it was generated, if email or??? But here you go:

    A Msg From Marty Thacker
    Gainesville crash

    For all of you who have sent notes and messages asking about our crash at the Gatornationals. I am OK.
    The car went out about 100' and started shaking the tires and pulling to the right. I was steering left when the steering shaft broke. The car made a hard move right and side swiped the concrete wall at the 330' mark. All the safety equipment worked pretty well, but my right sholder was driven into the shoulder bar. I have a grade 2 seperation in my shoulder, and they tell me I am going to be sore for 2 or 3 weeks. The car is in alittle worse shape. It wasted the front and rear clip. Hopefully we can get her rebuilt, before too much of the season passes us by.
    I have to say thanks to my crew, who always takes great care of me. I'm sorry they had to go through all that. Also kudos to the NHRA Safety Safari (especially Rusty), and the staff at Shands (UF) Hospital in Gainesville. Also thanks to all my friends who are checking up on me.
    We'll be back to the track soon.
    Take care, and enjoy each day,
  3. michael hall

    michael hall New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    I am glad to hear you are ok. Race cars can be rebuilt, but drivers cannot. Well, unless your name is Force! I wasn't there, but spoke with some friends who were, Sounded like a pretty hard hit, so just glad you are ok. Best of luck with getting the car ready to go...Mike
  4. Wayne Butler

    Wayne Butler Member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    gators meeting

    Hey Marty,
    I watched the video of you in G-Ville. Looks like your qualified to run funny car now. 8>)

    I hope you are feeling better.
    When you are able could you give us a run down of how the meetings went?
    Your thoughts and opinoins of what the future my hold?
  5. Wayne Butler

    Wayne Butler Member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    sorry wife says she seen where you already talked about this and told me....I hate it when i get caught not paying attention to her.....8>)
  6. Michael Veskovich

    Michael Veskovich New Member

    Aug 21, 2007
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    Hi ya Nancy,

    It was posted on his myspace.


  7. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    That's OK Wayne. Part of the reason I keep racing is my dopey racing friends. I mean look at that Snyder kid I hang out with all the time. He ain't right. LOL.
    The shoulder is getting better. Yesterday was the 1st day I had my arm out of the sling for very long, and it was sore at the end of the day, but didn't fall off. At my age that's always a plus. The car is alittle worse. She's in intensive car at Spitzer Race Cars, getting front and back halves. Trying to get it done in time to run the Inday divisional.
    The meeting was a kickoff, as intended. Most of the meat & taters will happen outside the meeting room (by e-mail & phone calls). I am alittle disapointed in the amount of response we have recieved from our racing friends. Those picked to serve this year cannot come up wwith all the concerns & solutions for the alky classes. We need lots of input, and honestly haven't been getting much. Use the e-mail adresses published on and this sight and send in your thoughts. And please include a practicle solution to any problems we have.
    I believe our #1 goal should be to come up with ways to put fans in the stands at the divisionals again. More fans = more money. Whether that's from NHRA or the sponsors. I stood up in the meeting and told our friends from Glendora that we needed purse increases, and while I believed the National events were healthy enough (and their babys), that we were willing to step up at the divisional level. Thus if we can make the divisional series more healthy, we wouold expect a healthier purse. They said that was reasonable. Plus people in the stands will make it easier to get and hold sponsors.
    Nancy Matter has already brought me some ideas that I spoke with Eric Lotz about. He is going to get back with me, and it might pave the way for driver profiles on the alky driver like the pros have at I know alotof you have good ideas. Come on, cough em up.
    Lastly, for Mr. Kelly. I would be healing much quicker if I could have had that special medicine you always seemed to have in your trailer. Get back to the track soon buddy.

    Take care all,
  8. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Tad 310

    Glad you are ok Marty, our car is in IN being assembled hope to see all soon sure do miss everyone, Fuzzy & Baker is brewing plenty of Nitro-Shine for the return, just having problems keeping them out of the jugs:D

    Bama Boyz
  9. Paul Noakes

    Paul Noakes Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Hi Marty,
    It's been a long time! Sorry to here about your wreck and I am deffenitely glad to here you are OK.
    Hope to see you soon, keep up the great work!
  10. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    Mr. Noakes

    A name from my UDRA days. How are you Paul? Been doing pretty well from what I've seen. I guess my wreck was bound to happen sooner or later. Driving with my eyes shut for 20 years wasn't bad though.

    Hope to run into ya someday,

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