Looking for testing partners HRP July 8 & 9 $300 a car

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    We have Houston Raceway Park rented for testing July 8 & 9. The rental fee will be $300 per car per day.

    If interested, please give me a call at 979 415 4959 or email will.hanna@insidetopalcohol.com
  2. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Why test when you can race race race?

    How come you guys in division four always have to pay for your test sessions while up here they are glad to have us show up for free? Don't the tracks have full insurance coverage all the time? Also don't get your lobbying for the two race only regionals by scrapping the six divisionals. I can say our team is VERY AGAINST that idea. Those racers who at first stumbled with new pipe or components the beginning of this season would have been done with a fork stuck in them by now.
  3. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    track rental vs. test 'n tune

    one reason we are renting is there is nothing scheduled for that weekend at the track. another is being able to run on your own schedule - you're the customer, and you get catered to that way. while they have been very cooperative in the past running in conjunction with bracket races, the race obviously is priority, especially when they get into eliminations. so you're looking at a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes, sometimes more every time you go to the lanes. so you spend an hour or more of your testing in the staging lanes. track rental, you pull up to the line and go. with us still being new, it serves our purpose better to run on our own schedule. for $300 a day, it's really worth that luxury, and only a 3 hr tow for us. not to mention with the funny car, they have the proper safety equipment and personel in place in the event of a fire or crash. that means alot to me testing.

    if the track isn't right, or has street cars of any kind running, you're pretty much wasting your time. street tires, not to mention the dirt/debris from street cars just ruin a track quick.

    when they do have an event going, they just charge us $15 test n' tune.

    i can speak from experience that at hrp, they do a jam up job of prepping the track rental or bracket race.

    so we don't hijack the thread, i'll reply to you re: regionals vs. divisionals in another thread.
  4. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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    They dont make us wait in the lanes very long. maybe 10 mins tops. And they are genuinly glad to see us! The track (ATCO)we test at is less than an hour away. In fact we were gonna make a pair of laps this past Saturday or Sunday at ATCO but then the rains came both days. Im beggining to think ATCO is open 14 days a week!! The other possibility would be The Grove (two hours) but I dont know if they changed their test policy from the last time I tested there with another team in the late eighties. Raceway Park (half an hour) is out of the question because of "noise day" restrictions.
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    scheduling vs region

    the track doesn't have another bracket race scheduled until july 22nd. we need to get some bugs worked out, along with just make some runs down the track. harry's also going to make some license passes in the car, so for our situation, it's worth the extra cost to get the ball rolling instead of waiting another 2 weeks or more. if we get some good data, get the car into the high 2.50's to 330 (in the heat) and around 200 mph to the 1/8, we'll go back into 'race' mode. we feel like we can get there quicker testing than running races right now.

    it's good yall have a track like that to go to.

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