Looking For Qualified Driver of TAFC

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by TAFC429, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. TAFC429

    TAFC429 New Member

    May 1, 2006
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    Yes We are looking for a driver for a Top Alcohol Funny Car.

    If you are interested in driving please send us your resume and a proposal. All drivers must have current TAFC license.

    You can E-mail us at marshallsurveying@yahoo.com

    We look forward to hearing from you.
  2. Ro Yale

    Ro Yale Member

    May 5, 2006
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    I've been to 4 Frank Hawley A/FC classes since January 2006. Made 21 passes. 2 at 6.18, 1 at 6.13 and 1 at 6.07 and all straight as an arrow. Shifts as perfect as you can get I was told by Frank. 17 runs straight as an arrow. I've driven drag boats for 25 yrs. with 6 world championships. I drive a roadster on the Bonneville salt flats. Have run averages for a mile of 245mph. with this year to be about 275-280mph.. I've been working on a A/FC team in div. 4 since May, learning all I can. I'm mature, level headed and can get along with anyone. I have a thirst for knowledge. I have run my own race shop for 19 yrs.. I build boat racing equipment and do carbon fiber mold making and parts for a variety of racing vehicles. Have worked with a Pro Mod team this year when I wasn't with the funny car. Hope some of these qualities are what your looking for.
    Thanks, Ro Yale

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