Looking for junk, damaged, unwanted Big and Ugly style injector

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by swansonhydro, May 2, 2016.

  1. swansonhydro

    swansonhydro Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Hello looking for a Big and ugly style injector that is eather Junk or pretty rought shape so I can use for my bussniess and practice dipping it. Need one that is really cheap, donate it or trade for work. Iv had request to hydo Dip them but I want to make sure I can do it before I just do someones due to the shape of it. Thanks For your help. I know I can do a bird style as iv done a few of them.

    Please email me at Customerservice@swansonhydrographics.com or call me at 515-890-9111.


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