Let’s talk Idle temps!!

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by jclay, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. jclay

    jclay New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Having a few issues with idle temps going into stage so would love to hear opinions/thoughts/ideas.

    Chrysler wedge, 14/71 high helix blower with a set back. Idle temps are all over the place. Front cylinders are cold, middle cylinders are very hot. How much of a difference will changing the nozzles in the hat help?

    All help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, John
  2. AnimalCrew

    AnimalCrew New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    I generally don't worry too much about idle temps. What do they do when you go on laucnh RPM? If they come into line where you want them then don't worry yourself about it.

    If not, work on getting the launch temps right and then see where your idle temps are and see if they make you confortable.

    What's your head temp doing at idle? If it's holding steady or climbing real slow yuou should be in the ball park. Is this a new tuneup? What kind of history do you have with this combo?

    You can try moving hat nozzles around but it will be trial and error and you may or may not have success. The temps you are seeing are most likely due to where you charge is exiting the blower at idle but it can't hurt a thing to experiment with this.

  3. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    After messing with my temps for many days because my idle EGTs seemed high, the common advice I got from some of the VERY knowledgeable people on this forum was to set the BV at 80% and forget about it.

    I noticed that if my BV got way rich my front cylinders would go way cold, spitting fuel, and my back cylinders would start going hot. I started leaning the BV until they came back together and guess what....it turned out to be 80%.

    Although my EGTs never did come back down to what I thought they should be, the engine seems very happy at 80%, and doesn't have any problem with overheating during the burnout/stage process. I don't even think about idle anymore.

  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    To amplify on what Brian posted. If you are too lean then some cylinders will be hot at idle and then if too rich a different group of cylinders will be hot. We all understand the lean part but being too rich results is the fuel pooling and cylinders not getting fuel. It is a balance between the two. Do a leakdown on the BV to find out where you are for a reference. As Brian stated 80 percent is a good start off point. The with a warm motor snap the throttle and see how the off idle response is. If it hesitates or spits back then it is lean. If it is lazy and slow to come off idle then it is rich. So adjust that so the reponse is good and maybe a little on the rich side. Now try the motor at a 4800 to 5000 stage rpm and check the EGTs. The should average around 625*, if off then adjust the BV until you get close. Once the stage is good then check the BV leakdown again and make a note of it. If you still have problems then let us know.
  5. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    i was taught that when you started reving the motor you wanted some fuel coming out the front two pipes guess what 80% to 82% im sure there are lots of people that know more than but some people just over think things exspecially when there starting out find a guy you can trust like mike c and there are many others i did the same thing until jimmy rector showed and told me some of the important things when i started and i seen him haul ass many times if he tells me something now i just do it
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  6. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    you don't HAVE to see fuel coming out the pipes. sometimes that depends on the tuner or tune up
  7. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Ya know those "VERY knowledgeable people" I mentioned? See the three posts above. They, and others, have helped me a ton since I got my car last fall.

  8. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Hi Brian,
    I think it is great that everyone is helping.....that is what this site is all about. Bruce has tuned some fast race cars. I agree with him. Fuel doesn't have to come out but depending on track conditions that may be the way to get down a slick track.

    Pyro's don't always read the same as the next car. One point is if a cylinder starts out hot it normally doesn't recover. Tune ability comes in a lot of different fashions. Another indicator is to check the intake nuts, header bolts etc to see if they have loosened up. Detonation will rattle the nuts or bolts loose. So whether or not you have a high pyro reading and then loose fasterners in that area will tell you something. I have been fortunate to work with a couple great tuners along the way. I personally like to control the stage temps because you can have more control.

    After awhile you will learn to listen to the race car and get a feel for what is right and when it doesn't like it. You can start to make changes along the way and make your car perform better and the way you want.
    just my 2 cents worth
  9. Moparious Maximus

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Wedge idle temps

    We run a wedge motor, a little more mild than yours. 572", std 8-71 @ 28% over.

    We dont have egt probes, just taking temps with a heat gun, we see the same thing, fronts are cold, the rest seem pretty hot, the back 2 being the hottest.

    I stage with a little load on the motor and I think that helps balance them some, but I have never checked for sure.

    I did drop nozzle size in my front two hat nozzles, seemed to help out a little but I dont think it was much at all.

    Im fairly new at this myself but it seems to like the tune that it has now.
  10. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    well bruce i know you dont have to see fuel coming out the pipes for one two run but i was saying from my experience most of the cars i have seen that run good when they start reving the motors i see a haze of fuel coming out the front pipes and bruce i have seen you haul ass many times as well and your imput would be good advice as well but did you give any are is all you stuff top secret (lol)
  11. jclay

    jclay New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Hi all, thanks for the replies. We currently have a best of 6.70 (at only 190mph) and a top speed of 209mph, best 60 of 1.04 on a shut down pass. New to clutch deal. Tune up is very mild. BV is 78. The front cylinders get to a temp that we want while the middle cylinders stay hot during the run, yet the plug is showing no heat. Plugs are showing motor is way soft. We have had issues with exhaust valves though. Have not seen any signs of detonation. So, could the fuel be burning in the pipe and giving a higher reading? Maybe pooling like what Mike said? I don’t have the data here but if I can get it I will post that too.

    Any more suggestions is greatly appreciated.

    PS. Does anyone remember the Hyland family who ran a wedge in TA dragster during the mid 90’s I think? Pretty sure Tiffani drove and her dad (John?) tuned it.
  12. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    Thanks Jim and Dale. I have been lucky enough to have some VERY smart people help me over the years so I am always willing to offer help and advice. . .BUT I will never give all my little tricks! :cool:. .
  13. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    John. Congratson the run. When I mentioned possible fuel pooling I was only talking about at idle where there is no real air velocity. It should not pool during the run. It sounds to me that you need some changes in your port jets to bring all the EGTs to within 50 degrees of each other at the peak at the end of the run. This is independent of idle and stage because you normally do not have the port poppet open at idle and at stage. You might want to check that the ports are not on during idle and stage. There are two ways to do that ......one is to check the fuel pressure at stage and make sure your port poppet is set a little higher. So if you show 25 psi at stage then set your port poppet at 30 psi crack. You can also check this by disconnecting the fuel hose from the port nozzle and put it into a plastic bottle then start the motor and check for no flow at idle then bring it up to stage and check for no flow. You can the adjust it so they come on a little high than stage. You would have to be real real rich to have fuel burning in the pipes and with your performance I don't think you are that rich. Retarding the timing will raise ALL the EGTs.
  14. jclay

    jclay New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Thanks for the reply Mike. We have checked when the ports come in using the bottle method and they are not coming in during stage, so all good there. Will look at what we can do with the port jets. Would love to see some heat in the plugs too. Thanks again.

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