Kevin Hool named D5 Crew Chief of the Year

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by tafc-fan, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. tafc-fan

    tafc-fan New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Kevin Hool was named the Division 5 Nebraska Chassis Crew Chief of the Year at the awards banquet in Kansas City last Saturday evening. Many of you have seen Kevin's accomplishments this past season...

    taking a car that they purchased in 1992, it still has many of the original parts in it, and during the 2004 season, personal best’s were set routinely at almost every event the Ghost attended, culminating in a 5.79 @ 251.5 mph at Chicago, all with no computer equipment and only 2-man team...

    so no doubt everyone will agree with this award. Congratulations Kevin!

    Congratulations also go out to Randy Meyer who was named the D5 Lucas Oil Pro Sportsman Driver of the Year....Meyer, having been out of the seat for over a year, came back to claim the D5 championship and finished 3rd in the world.
  2. David Smith

    David Smith Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Congratulations Kevin! Great to see you get rewarded for your hard work.


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