Keith Black closing

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by secondwindracing, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    heard today that ken is selling out or closing...they laid off most of the workers, and they are going to fill all orders before closing..anyone else have any news on this???? Dave
  2. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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  3. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    A few years ago I went on a drive to San Diego with my wife from our home in Washington state. We drove down the west coast. On the way we stopped at several drag racing equipment suppliers. I wanted to meet the guys I am giving money to. The personalities of those I do business with is important to me. We walked into Keith Black. I introduced my wife and I and asked if we could look around. Ken Black shook our hands and took us on a tour of his place. He even showed us the spare parts stock room. I was immensely impressed by him and his company. He is the kind of guy that I would do business with gladly if I was in the market for his parts. I hope he can keep the business open- they are a part of the bedrock that made drag racing what it is. Dave Germain
  4. willys33

    willys33 new

    Jul 22, 2004
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    KB Closed

    I talked to Tom at KB's Fri, 3 Oct. He told me this was the last day KBs was open for business. If, like me, you have parts at there shop, call and make arrangements to pick them up. I hope this will work, I'm trying to pick up my block the Wednesday.
  5. konrodz

    konrodz Member

    May 10, 2006
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    It is so sad that the economy is suffering so bad, that these hi powered
    b_ _ terds that run the country don't give a s _ _ t about anybody else but themselves. They don't care if we have food on our table and if our kids eat as long as they make there big bucks thats ok. When was the last time that any of these guys said , I will not take a pay cheque this week as long as my people don't suffer. I can remember when I first started my business and we got slow at times and did not have enough to cover payroll I would keep my pay cheque's in my wallet somestimes for 2 - 3 months and when things started to pick I would go to the bank and cash 3 or 4 of them at a time so I could pay my bills at home. My employes would see that we were stressed and we worked as a team to wait things out and hoped for the best when things got turned around. What I am trying to say is who determined's these hi powered Government guys salaries, because for what they are getting paid they sure are doing a good job on screwing us little guys who just want to live our lives and make the best of it. Everyone does NOT want to see there children suffer and from what I have seen they have already started to suffer. How many fathers have hung themselves because they gave up and just could not take anymore. Why should companies like KB shut down, there should be a bail out for companies like them. They have been in business for a long time, there should be help offered to everyone NOT just the Banks. They are the ones who make money hand over fist and now they are crying the blues and the Government jumps in to help them. What about the little guy who makes enough to just make it buy. Maybe we should All start crying the blues and maybe they will see things our way for ONCE.

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