Intake manifold to Blower oring or gasket for PSI

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by OwnBlock, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. OwnBlock

    OwnBlock Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    I'm starting to notice some people running their blower mainfolds with a gasket not the oring. I asume their using graphite type gasket?

    Is this because the breakaway studs with the groove for psi screw blowers cant hold as good with the pressure the oring and boost is putting on them.

    The oring on a psi plate is already close to 1/4".

    I installed a 1/4" dia in the manifold to cut back on different sizing oring material in the trailer.

    If a gasket isnt the ideal way, would the alternative be to fill the groove and fit a smaller diameter oring be a better idea?

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