How do I Figure out what Rod Length to use?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by OutlawGBR, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. OutlawGBR

    OutlawGBR Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    Hey everybody, I am new to Alcohol racing. I am used to working on Fuel cars. I am trying to build an Alcohol Dragster. Since my dragster will be a bit on the heavy side, I believe I want to either run a 471 or 481 Hemi. The 471 with a 4.250" Bore and a 4.150" Crank. The 481 with a 4.375 Bore and a 4.000" Crank. I am not sure which is the better combination if either of them is at all. The question I have is what length rod do I use with these combinations? and how would I go about figuring this out?

    Thanks everyone for any information you could provide!

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