Hoosier tire problems

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Dave Germain, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I had a set of Hoosiers put on my TAFC about three events ago. They had a total of 13 runs on them when I took them off. When I bought them the rollout was deadnuts on the money both with the tire guys and my tape measure. After 5 or 6 runs we noticed the car was handling more poorly than usual. We remeasured them and they were amd inch and 5/8s different in rollout. We tried over inflating the smaller one to stretch it out several times. Once for over 12 hours with the tire sitting in the sun with 50 psi in it. It came close to equalizing but as soon as it cooled it was over and inch and a half different again. I finally gave up on them this last weekend and put Goodyears on the car. Has anybody else had this problem with the 34.5-16 Hoosiers? I heard rumors of several other Div 6 TAFC racers with similar problems with their Hoosiers. Dave Germain
  2. Brad Hiatt

    Brad Hiatt Member

    Oct 22, 2004
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    John Hart had the same problem with his Hoosiers this year in Div 3. He had even fewer passes. Hoosier did work with him on resolving the issue. Send him a PM for details.
  3. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    Dave same problem

    4th pass mine were 1 1/4" different
    put on at Indy
    noticed something wrong at Joilet when it immediately ran over them orange looking things
    and busted a hole in the body :eek:
    they did mount up another set but why is this happening???
    1 1/4" i thought was crasy

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