header tube sizing?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by TD4141, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. TD4141

    TD4141 New Member

    Jul 18, 2008
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    OK, I was just wondering if anyone had any idea or knew of a calculator to find the estimated tube sizing of a header. I run a NA motor in Top Dragster and plan to go Blown Alcohol for next year. I have a set of zoomies right now that I have never run. I dont know if they can work for my current motor. It's a 565, single carb gas motor thats about 920-950hp and runs at 7500 max rpm. I currently run an apswept header with 2 1/4" primarys "I think". I know they are not any bigger than that. THe zoomies I have are 2" tubes. Could these work for me? I just like the sound of the zoomie and would love to try them at the track.

    Your thoughts?

    Thanks for the help.
  2. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    I ran a 565 alky injected motor in my 4 link and then in my F.E.D.. On my four link I didn't see a diff. with the zoomies (2.25in) my guess is that the weight I saved was lost in HP. Sounded cool though, but when I put on a set of steped headers with a merged collector I picked up some et. So, won't hurt your motor but won't help much either. Also, I feel like 2 in. is a little small, sould be at least 2.25 in, and on your blower motor 2.5 in. I run 2.5 in. on my blown 509 chevy and so do most of my friends. Hope this helps, Jody Stroud TD 9325
  3. TD4141

    TD4141 New Member

    Jul 18, 2008
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    Thanks. We figured the same thing. save a bit of weight but lose some horesepower.
  4. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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