Head to block leaking oil

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by reeper, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. reeper

    reeper Fuel Altered

    Jul 5, 2004
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    BAE-4 heads on KB block, blown alky.
    It seems to leak oil past copper head gasket on the ends. Usually comming out bottom of head's. Have tried head gasket sealer & bead of silicon. Nothing seems to work. Wondering if anyone has a fix?
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Usually a little swipe of silicon sealer on both sides of the head gasket on the ends does the trick.

    How far are your sleeves protruding above the deck? If the block has been repaired sometimes the deck gets surfaced leaving the sleeves an additional .005" out or whatever amount the cut was. The repair and surfacing should have included proper sleeve height when reinstalled (they are supposed to protrude in order to seal, but not an excessive amount). Thinner head gaskets (lack of crush) along with protruding sleeves will definately leave a significant gap giving you some grief.

  3. Nitro Madness

    Nitro Madness Super Comp

    Sep 14, 2003
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    I think that the sleeves are suppose to be out (up) around .005"....try a head gasket set from Flatout - the are embossed around the oil holes - I put a thin coat of silicone around the holes anyway...just because I like a dry engine...I also build a "dam" of silicone across the top of the cylinders....a thin line of sealer between the pushrod holes and upper row of head studs...from the front to rear intake end seals and all the way across the upper head area. This works great if you don't take the engine apart all the time...but it's a little extra work cleaning up the head, block & gaskets...the only oil that drips now is what runs over the head when the valve covers come off for service...one other place to look is the extra upper exhaust header threaded holes that go into the valve cover area that you are not using...mine had only 1/4" long set screws when I got the heads - I changed to the longest that would fit...maybe 5/8" or so....along with silicone and it stopped the leaks there...sorry to ramble so long here, but I hate oil leaks!

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