Fuel flow bench

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by JP, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. JP

    JP Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Looking for information on fuel flow bench for own use. Is there something comercially available other than waterman's . Or is it better to start making one with a racepak flowmeter and 5 hp engine. I believe that it will be better to try things on a bench with a certain understanding and direction than to expend $1000 on a pass and not know anything. What are your thoughts?
  2. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    Flow Bench

    Personally I Think You Are On The Right Track You Can Purchase A Lot Of The Data Componets From Racepak And If The 5 Hp Motor Is Not Enough That Is Easy To Change. I Think If You Develop One You Could Sell Them As The Waterman Is Nice But A Little Spendy.
  3. rkre

    rkre Jr. Dragster

    Feb 20, 2005
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    I have a fully computerized state of the art flow bench. I can flow up to 50 gpm or as little as 2 gpm. Has 15 HP motor with full electronic speed control and 3 different range flowmeters. Laboratory grade pressure transducers and .5% digital readout. Located in Fla, can help with all your fuel system issues. Call 941-729-2441 for more info.

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