Fuel Additives

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by alky racer, May 18, 2006.

  1. alky racer

    alky racer New Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    Anyone notice that NHRA posted a reminder about what is and is not legal tocut fuel with. It was on the front page of their web site today. There has been a lot of rumor of people in the alcohol class using additives from power mist and others to cut their nitro. I have heard from a good source that NHRA now has a test to detect thoes additives and will testing as soon as this weekend. I guess they now know what to look for in the CG test and can find it. I would hope that know one would do that to win but at least any questions people had will now be anwsered. My guess is that the stuff does not even work but at least all the rumors will now be put to rest.

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