FOR SALE AT RBS SUPERCHARGERS: Used DJ Blower Restraint Assm. 14.3 Littlefield 14-71

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by RBS, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    This restraint top plate is made from .250" billet alum. designed for a Buzzard opening with 15.250" on bolt centers. The opening is 15.00" x 4.375" and the straps are 24" sewn on and have to be recertified. Blower bag is made from ballistic Kevlar covered in black fire resistant nomex that has no tears or burns on it. RBS carries a full supply of header brackets and pins if a racer needs them to complete a restraint. Bottom restraint plate opening is 15.750" x 4.00" and is made from .125' billet alum. Top plate measures 9.250" wide and has two hole provisions for fuel nozzles in the rear of the restraint plate. Restraint was on a Littlefield 14-71 hi helix retro but should work with Blower Shop, BDS, Hampton or Mooneyham blowers that are similar dimensions. Please visit www.rbssuperchargers #7006-0018C $850.00. Order online or call us at 530 274-3835.


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