FOR SALE AT RBS SUPERCHARGERS: Mag Super Bird Catcher Black Teflon Coated Mag W/Shaft

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by RBS, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    Geradot's super bird mag square door injector is just the ticket for your hot rod. This injector includes throttle stops, billet linkage arms, butterfly shaft and a set of square door butterflies. RBS will set up for your specific application at no extra charge except for parts if the racer decides to make the injector complete. Fits 6-71 thru 18-71 roots type superchargers that use a 13.250" on center bolt pattern. Butterflies are available in black or polished. Blower case is not included and just used for pictures. Injector weights eleven pounds as seen in the pictures and is black teflon coated magnesium for the stealth look. Injector is 6.250" tall from blower mounting surface and is 15.750" wide across the front of the injector housing. On the shelf can ship today, order on line at part number #300-030. RBS SUPERCHARGERS phone number is (530) 274-3835. Thank you for visiting our ad


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