Flying lash cap

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by TWD, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. TWD

    TWD Blown alky

    Jan 4, 2008
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    Anybody ever heard of lash caps gone flying during a decent backfire? One intake lash cap was not in place after a backfire and question now of course is: result of or reason for backfire. So far nothing seems to be wrong with valve / guide and such and we're close to 400 lbs seating pressure as well.
    Heads are BAE4, so we're looking at around 0.2" high lash caps, meaning at some time we had that much clearance between valve and rocker arm. RPM was below 8000 at all times, so that amount of valve float should be impossible.

  2. Sandracer695

    Sandracer695 Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    Anytime you back fire the motor it can blow the intake valves open. The valve that is missing the lash cap may not be the one with the problem. I would look over the whole motor. Engine could have been to lean, ignition problem, mechanical problem ie: broken valve spring on another cyl, broken exhaust pushrod or roller. If you have a computer go over very carefully and see if you can find something that changed right before it backfired. Good luck

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