Fat Head difference

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Kamikaze85, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Kamikaze85

    Kamikaze85 Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    I posted this during "the lost week" ;) So here goes again:

    What are peoples experiences between the different Fat Head styles?
    BAE Stg 4-8
    MBE (the biggest valves I have found in any Fat Head)
    AJ Muscle Heads
    NRE X-1 (extra oiling of the intake valve springs - but does this matter at 8000-8500 rpm?)
    Co-Line (DMPE states that these are the most powerful they have had on the dyno?)
    Total Flow
    Any I did not mention?

    Since I plan on using these heads in tractor pulling, that has no valve limits etc. my best bet is to take the biggest valve option or rebuilding what I can get my hands on to 2.5" in / 2.0" ex valves and maybe getting them flowed additionally?

    All Fat Heads use the same internals anyway, so it there really all that much difference in what you use? Or is it more of a difference in the set-up?

    Dream scenario is something like 4.375 bore / 4.375 or 4.5 stroke, MSD 44, 14-71 blower (40% overdrive limit) - doing maybe 8000-8500 rpm for 10-12 seconds at WOT.

    I know some won't agree with my take on the Fat Heads - maybe even I won't after hearing your reasons - But isn't that what this site is about? :D
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Jeff Fowler builds a lot of tractor pull engines and is a dealer of NRE X-1 heads. He would be able to consult with you on how the NRE heads work in a tractor pulling application.


    As I said in last week's post, valve size is not everything. Port design and seat profile have to compliment the port to make it all work together.

    I am not the type to talk about another brand of heads, but the NRE X-1 heads have had success for a number of years anywhere they have competed. 3 Division Championships in Top Alcohol, 2 ADRL Pro Xtreme Championships, Multiple records in Australia Top Alcohol and Top Doorslammer and now both ends of the Euro TMFC record (5.49/266).

    Jamie Noonan is a multi-time championship engine builder for the V8 Supercars in Australia. He spent a lot of time on spintron testing with these heads to stabilize the valve train, and that is a resource we share with our customers.

    Our valve size is 2.48/1.95. As valves get bigger, invariably seat life is going to go down because you have less and less seat material. Our heads are also designed around blow through flow testing, not conventional suck through flow bench testing.

    Hope that helps.
  3. noelmanton

    noelmanton Authorized Merchant

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Oil is a coolest and very important to the valve train in any application. The use of spring oilers, and rocker arm oiling bars in the valve cover will greatly extend the usable life of everything in the valve train system. Even at engine speeds of 8000.
  4. Kamikaze85

    Kamikaze85 Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    Are spring oilers / rocker arm oil bars available on other heads as well??

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