ebay bearings

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by smokinboyz, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. smokinboyz

    smokinboyz Member

    Oct 16, 2006
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    there seems to be cleavite bearings on ebay.... what is the going price from the usual supplier that all you guys use and who is the supplier to use....peter
  2. Insanity3

    Insanity3 Blown Alcohol Altered

    Jul 10, 2007
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    I use Federal Mogul 142M mains and Federal mogul 7200SHA rods (Chevy rod) in my KB wedge block. I always ordered from Summit Racing
    $92.69- set rods
    $76.39- set mains
    I am sure this was no "killer deal" but I could get the stuff to my door in 3-days with no special shipping.

    No special reason why I use this brand, just what I was told to use by other racers and they have seemed to work. I was informed that Summit no longer carries Federal Mogul stuff so I am curious what is the best way to go.

    I hope this gives you some information to use and prices to compare.

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