Difficult starting , bad mag ?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by lucky devil, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. lucky devil

    lucky devil Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Guys , we have a 521 BAE, 14/71 K11 Door car.

    We have a problem that is getting worse , and costing us track time.

    When we spin the motor over on the start it is fine , if we try and do the same with the MAG armed it is really difficult , we are damaging starters and flex plates.

    The timing is fine (44 amp) , no crank trigger. We use 24 volts to start it , when we get it lit , it sounds like it is dropping cylinders.....and we have been trying to correct the idle on the barrel valve.

    How bad can/ does a mag get ampage wise ?

    Thanks Wayne
  2. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    More questions:
    At what rpm is the motor turning before you try to "arm" the mag
    or are you trying to start it with the mag on?
    Yes the mag and points box go bad and sometimes have the symptoms you have.
    If you are spinning the motor and then turning on the mag and it is doing what you say, I would box it all up and send it to Leahy or another good mag shop and get it fixed.
    I don't know anyone that starts it with the mag on and then try to turn the motor over to start.
    go here and read:

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