Dale Pulde Fund

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by john348, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    With Mr. Hanna's blessing:

    Go here and give a little to help a racer


    Pudle has been bed ridden since Oct with Valley Fever, no ins
    This comes from a spore in the dirt from southern west states.

    this from Valerie Harrell:
    I’m glad to know someone (Wayne King) understands how serious VF is. I am still in shock over the fact that VF could be so deadly & that Dale is bearing the burden & pain of this disease.
    The first time we started getting ill was Oct. 2003, we both had flu like symptoms.... or so we thought it was the flu. Then Oct. 2004, we were deathly ill with what the Dr. at Urgent Care diagnosed as us as having bronchial pneumonia, which put us down from October 2004 until February 2005, when we started seeing some slight recovery. It was our second season of missing out celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years. I wish we had known then what we know now maybe Dale would not have gotten stricken down like he is this go round. It is killing me to see him suffer & gasp for a simple breath of air.
    Suzy ….we will have been together going on 11 years and every now & then Pulde will ask me with this silly sheepish smile ….”Harrell….How much do you love me? I always tell him, “Pulde….I love you more than life.” And I mean that with all my heart & soul and where ever Pulde goes I will go. Since this last illness, I have fought 200% with all the doctors, nurses, staff to make sure they do not slack on giving him the best of care. I have a couple of stories I will have to tell you some day of how I have been a target by the ER triage lady, to filling out his ER intake paperwork, and recently waiting in the hallway for the xray technician to finish with him so I could wheel him back to his room. The Mexican female staff absolutely hate me. Dale said he would have never believed it had he not seen it happen with his own eyes. Thank God he has me as his advance care directive and power of attorney. Dale has been bedridden since Oct. 25th. No income coming in & not able to even walk across the back yard to his shop…… Nov. 29, 2010, I took him to our medical doctor who took a chest xray of Dale, then ordered a CT scan STAT. That night the doc called us at home & wanted to see us first thing in the morning. We went in his office and the doctor closed his door and sat us down and said he had some very bad news. He told Dale and I that the xray & CT scan reflected a tumor on Dale’s right lung. Our doctor did run extensive blood tests on Dale the day before but our Dr. also discounted Valley Fever saying he did not believe that is what Dale had. I took Dale immediately to the ER (he does not have medical insurance) & he was admitted Dec. 3d & stayed for 4 days. Even at that time the hospital had not diagnosed him w/VF. Dale was released on day 4. It was 2 days later the hospital called us at home & confirmed he had tested positive for VF, however, the hospital pulmonary doctors there still believed his had cancer in his lung not VF. Around that same time our personal medical doctor blood tests came back as positive for VF, but he also believed Dale was dealing with cancer not VF. The other thing is the blood testing for VF needed to be sent to a lab who has the capabilities to do the CORRECT testing. Not all labs have the capability to do proper VF testing. UC Davis in Sacramento, CA is the leading edge laboratory for VF testing.

    I am sorry to ramble on like this but I just want you to know how much it means to us that you are getting the word out about how deadly VF really is. If some only suffered mild symptoms….then thank God that’s all. Once you have it you never get rid of it…it lays dormant in your system until one day your immune systems runs down & then it can strike. If not treated with antifungal modification it can eat your body up from the inside. Antibiotics is the wrong medicine because antibiotics lower your immune system & if you have VF instead of a virus, that is what VF needs is a lowered immune system for it to take over & grow. I want others to know so they can be informed should they get sick or have symptoms and that they will not suffer like Dale has. I sit and wonder how many members of our beloved racing family have gotten ill and that their doctors diagnosing them with pneumonia or even died from pneumonia like symptoms or thinking they had lung cancer and it was really VF? …. Which is what has happened to Dale. How many doctors have tested our racing family & told them they had lung cancer & not even bothered to test them for VF? I can understand how Dale & I have been misdiagnosed. But how many others are out there? We will never know. All I know is I want to do is help inform others just in case. Everyone who is involved with drag racing is our family and no one understands our love of the sport like you & I do. Suzy…thank you for listening.
    I have to run as Dale’s mother is due for bath day & I need to check on his father whose 90th birthday is today. I love you and thank you for all you do for all of our racing families.
    Please keep the prayers coming and let’s keep everyone healthy and safe.

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  2. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    bump FYI...

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