Dale Carlson at Port Albernie 2009 Video

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by jeffj, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Pretty slow on drag racing and I saw another similar thread here so thought I'd post a link to a run we made at Port Albernie BC. This is an air port, all asphalt, a bit of prep @ the starting line. No disrespect to the crew, it is a once a year event for local racers and they do a spectacular job. This is back in 2009 and Dale Carlson was driving the car; we went a 5.85/ 247 out of the box and obliterated the track record by almost a second I think. The leave is at 4000 rpm and it wanted to spin over the mid track painted stripes, it just hazed the tires. I had the rev limiter set low so it could not get away on me and it got on that a bit and then again @ about 1000'. Next pass I thought we had to try to go 250 on the Island so I went up just a touch on the rev chip to try to get to the 250 but it hazed the tires from those half track stripes out to the finish line and we did not get our 250. Darn it. It was a really fun weekend which are all too rare when we get the bit in the teeth at big events...we are all really there for fun and to maybe hit some personal goals so this was great at a little local September long weekend event.
    I do not know how to attach the video so look at youtube "Dale Carlson at Port Albernie" and look down a couple of items to "Ride with Dale Carlson 247 mph in 5.85 sec Top Alcohol Dragster". Hope you can find that and are entertained in this very slow racing season. This was 2009.
    Jeff Johnsen
  2. MaineAlkyFan

    MaineAlkyFan Active Member

    Oct 8, 2006
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  3. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Thank you so much Chris for linking the video for me; nice to have skills way beyond what I am able to muster in the computer department although I can read one and occasionally make adjustments based on what I see. Thanks again Chris.
    Jeff Johnsen

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