Cryogenic Treatment

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Racer_102, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. Racer_102

    Racer_102 New Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    Just looking form some input on Cryogenic or freezing your alluminum blocks, rods, pistons, ect, Has anyone been doing this? Whats the pros and cons. Thanks in advance.
  2. T.A.D. 776

    T.A.D. 776 New Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    We were desperate on a project we did a few years back and tried it on a crankshaft and it seemed to improve bearing life on the number 2 and 4 mains by about 3 passes. From feeding it new main bearings every 7 passes to every 10. This was done on a factory steel crank in a 455 Oldsmobile that ran low 7's in the 1/4 The engine never ate any other bearings except the number 2 and 4 mains top and bottom. We figured that the crank was winding up and snakeing out those bearings with the blower drive on one end and the Crower 3 disk pedal clutch on the other.
    Our biggest single improvement in bearing life was switching to Redline Oil but that is another story.
  3. OwnBlock

    OwnBlock Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    I did look into this a while back, the local cryo shop advised, no real gains on aluminium. I still wonder........but took his advice.

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