crower spring base setting

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by JP1GAZ, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. JP1GAZ

    JP1GAZ New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Could anyone help, i have a crower three disc pedal clutch, and need to understand the base spring adjustment,
    right or wrongly i have screwed them down and to feel pressure and then backed of 1 1/2 turn, need help
    the car seems to bounce of the line
    burnout is very tyre shakey and not smooth
    671 blown hemi482cu in hat injected
    we also lose speed after 1000ft, it has been mentioned that we have to much fuel at the top end
    thanks and sorry for being long winded
  2. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    you screw the base adjustment in untill you feel pressure at that point its zero turns at that point there is a perset amount of base and each turn are half of turn your adding more base pressure to the clutch for expample on my crower 10" 3 disc pedal clutch 2-1/2 is 750lbs of base and 3 turns is 900lbs of base there are different spring rates call crower they can tell what you have by the serial # on the hat
    put 2-1/2 turns in it and 6 grams of weight each finger that should get it to go down through there but give crower a call there great help


    0-turns 350lbs
    1-turn 500lbs
    2-turns 600lbs
    2-1/2 turns 750lbs
    3-turns 900lbs
  3. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Usually there is a book or a manual that comes with the Crower clutches that have the spring charts in the back for the different springs. The springs that you have should be marked or circled in the book (refer to jims example) and if you don't have this you need to call Crower and figure out what you have and based upon your clutch and your combination they should be able to give you a 'baseline' to start with. If you run them down until you feel pressure and then you back them off 1 1/2, then you have NO spring pressure to get the car moving, you are relying solely on the centrifugal to come in to get things moving.

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