Cost estimate

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Sledge, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. Sledge

    Sledge Poor

    Nov 11, 2004
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    OK, don't think it probably should be here in the tech section but where else are the smart people...just kidding. Another question, what is a realistic cost estimate of running a Blown TAD? I know someone has done the calculations for cost per run, cost per race including all incidentals, and annual estimate. This question is not meant to delve into personal expenditures but I as many have to look at the check book and either dream or go for it.

    Dec 2, 2004
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    1)..Professionaly 16 to 20 races nationals and divisionals
    ......$250,000.00 to $ 300,000.00 for the season

    2)..Divisional season, 6 races ....$ 75,000.00 to $ 100,000.00

    3)...Budget racer, 2 to 3 div races and
    2 or 3 match races...............$ $ 30,000.00 maybe less
  3. T.A.D. 776

    T.A.D. 776 New Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    How to make a small fortune auto racing -

    Start with a large fortune, then go auto racing.

    On that note = Did you hear that Fedex and UPS are merging -

    The new company will be called FedUP
  4. Crew

    Crew Volunteer

    Jul 31, 2005
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    Once you have everything purchased figure 1,000-1,500 per pass.

    Now, you can take the cheap way in (we thought) and buy a decent chassis 15-20k and go with Walt stuff or Bae fuel stuff. This combo would be competitive on divisional tracks but nowhere else. We started this route and found that this stuff wasn't made to turn the rpm that the class requires. We broke rockers, springs, valve etc. tryng to do this. We pieced our operation together and eventually figured out that the BAE5 stuff was the way to go.

    We would have been money waaay ahead to buy a turn key deal.

    There are ways to improve the cost. We team up with others to buy parts like plugs discs floaters belts. Most of the big budget teams only run belts 2-3 passes, so you can purchase these at a decent price.

    GRP rods 15-20 passes $1100
    Valve springs 15-20 passes $650 steel $1600 titanium
    Pistons 25-30 passes or longer $600-$800
    Lenco-B&J $100 race (avg steels & discs)
    Crower/Boninfante discs & floaters
    General consensus is don't run them thinner than .270
    they start at .375 Disc $145 floater $60 - 8-10 passes per disc & floater depending on the wear & how picky you are turning them. Resurface is a must between rounds or throw a different pack in. 3 discs 2 floaters in the normal setup.

    Oil - minimum 16 qts some run oil 2-3 passes some only 1 pass.

    Several good blower cars for sale...........
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2006
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    cost per run

    a few years ago i did a detailed cost per run analysis w/o parts breakage. you're looking at a minimum of $1,500 a run if you run an efficient operation.

    keep in mind the amortorized cost per run varies greatly from the cash flow that may or not be needed for an individual event. if the parts are already in the trailer, it may be relatively 'cheap' cashflow wise to go run on a weekend, where as when it comes time to freshen some parts up, it may be more expensive to hit the track.

    this being said, if possible, you can save quite a bit of money estimating your parts usage and buying it at the beginning of the season or periodically rather than when needed. the shipping on that last minute stuff really adds up.

    i know of teams that will estimate what they can afford to spend racing on the year and take a note out for that amount, buy the parts for the year, then pay down the note monthly. the interest on this type of financing is much cheaper than loading the credit cards up.
  6. KDavidson

    KDavidson Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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