Clutch brand identification

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by H BROWN, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. H BROWN

    H BROWN blown alky

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Could anyone help identify brand of this clutch? I need clutch stands to make it complete.
    I think it’s a early crower.
    Would any one guess a value on it? I’m thinking about selling it to go with automatic for the street, unless I hear from others to keep it and street it. 86DCF5E3-C2AB-4FAD-8B48-B794522511AC.jpeg 16BF7CE7-E6DB-4D03-9CC8-5910F57B7219.jpeg A93C0D91-A279-470A-80D5-82906B990E47.jpeg

    I also have a browell brand new bell housing but it has been sitting for years .

    Is there still a market for clutch parts?

    thanks all for help, trying to piece my car back together after years of sitting out.

    will I hope this is legal to post here

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