Can to glide drawing

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by JP1GAZ, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. JP1GAZ

    JP1GAZ New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Does anyone have drawing or measurements for motor mid plate, i have hemi to can at the moment but may need bbc to glide and would like to save and use the same plate, is this possible ??
  2. OwnBlock

    OwnBlock Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    adapting current mid plate, or manufacture new one

    If your planning to do this yourself:

    1. Buy/scrounge a piece of pipe slightly larger in dia than main tunnel, enough to go to rear 2 webs and to reach glide body past pump.

    2. Get a piece of 3/8 or 1/2" thick flat steel, cut round - slightly larger in dia than pump o/d.

    3. Weld said flat to pipe, take to machine shop, or do it yourself, machine both down so pipe fits into main tunnel and flat round fits to glide at pump mount.

    4. Drill 3 holes in flat so it can bolt to pump flange in empty glide housing.

    5. With engine block standing on end (front to ground) bolt motor plate up ( you will possibly have to countersink some attach bolts and fit c/s cap screws - especially where glide interfers with plate retaining bolts), slide glide housing/with spicket to it, bolt up the 2 main caps so it wont rotate.

    6. Fabricate 2 marker dowels say 1.5" long so you dont hit your fingers whilst tapping them to dot the plate, with points machined at one end - 1 for bolt holes, the other for the glide dowels - make both nice perfect fits to ensure absolute centres are dot marked.

    7. Clamp glide housing to motor plate - firmly but dont snap it - to make doubly sure it doesnt move when you start centre dotting.

    8. Centre dot holes, once done remove all, drill where marked, thread plate - I use 3/8 unc, if thick enough, you could possibly fit inserts here.

    9. Dowels: fabricate these, drill them centre & thread with say 1/4" unc, drill motor plate 3/16", tap 1/4 unc and counter sink from motor side, this retains dowels perfect, plus you can unwind them if you cut a slot on trans side.

    10. If motor plate is too thin c/s all trans retaining bolts holes from motor side also and fit c/s caps from motor side also.

    If this is way too much BUY ONE already done.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011

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