camshaft recommendations screw

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blownapex, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. blownapex

    blownapex Member

    May 25, 2006
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    im switching from good roots dmpe 14/71 to
    psi d @125over
    the cam i have now is
    426 hemi
    500000 s51506
    dur @050 is i 296 e 296
    lift i.750 e.727
    rg 2.125" mn 48d

    i dont know what all this means but i had it
    installed at 37 degree
    brad 5 4.467x4.250 13:1 compression 25% over
    1.900 exhaust and 2.400 intake valves
    42 psi at 9600 rpm

    will this be a good cam for 10.4:1 compression and
    a d screw blower @125 over
    outlaw promod 2700lbs

    and wanted to buy good camshaft for this combo
    thank duane
    618-781-4703 cell
    618-259-9874 after 6pm
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    The r296/500 116 is the standard cam used by most with the screw. I've seen some use the 114 with a 4778 lobe in dragsters.

    Jeremy at BAE will tell you there's ony 30 hp between the best and worst cam. He's probably right when talking peak hp, but there can be some big differences in where it does or doesn't make power based on the cam profile and where you install it at.
  3. psi

    psi New Member

    Jan 14, 2009
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    The proper cam shaft to compliment the PSI screw blower would be, .500-.506 296-302 116 installed at 31-32 degrees. There also is a cam identical to that except for the lift at the cam being .525, the down side with this extra lift is that it's harder on the valvetrain. When choosing a camshaft for a PSI screw blower think more of a turbo style cam than a roots blower style cam.

    If you any further questions email me at the following:

    Roger Olander

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