Brad Penn oil Life span

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by danrace, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. danrace

    danrace New Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Changed to brad penn 70 weight this season and cant beleive how good it is was using our old oil maintainance programe of rotating fresh oil in every run and letting the old one cool then running again usually doing up to 5 laps on a sump full in a TA dragster.
    However the brad penn always looks like brand new through the middle of season we were waiting for our delivery from brad penn and ran one lot of oil to 15 laps and it is still looking like brand new bearings always perfect.
    Qestion is when does this brad penn start to break down how many laps can we get ?
    Anyone out there who has pushed the brad penn to its limit?
    All other brands struggled to get to five laps in our car and they were lookin average.

  2. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    i watch the oil pressure as long as i have good oil pressure to me its still good and if it get to much alky it i will change it and let the alky evaporate out and use it agian i made a 1/8 run one time in a final when i looked down at gauge and i was pre staged no oil pressure i thought strange i just had pressure ---- it has to be the gauge so i reved it up and rolled in and left after getting back to the pits checking things out i found it had twisted off the oil pump shaft long story short got home looked at the bearings the looked brand new never found any thing hurt are burnt i dont recomend you every this at all and i probley wouldnt do it agian but i was jacked up and i wont lay down when does it break down i dont know but i wont use ANYTHING ELSE in my motors

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