Blower re-stripping

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Jim W, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. Jim W

    Jim W New Member

    Oct 13, 2007
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    I have been reading this forum for a year or so and just signed up as a new member. Lot's of great info here!

    Bought a used Littlefield 14-71 and it needs to be re-stripped.
    The inside of the case is good and the rotors have very little scoring.
    I would like to pull the blower apart and give it a going over and re-strip it.

    Any tricks or tips to doing it? Also, what's involved in re-stripping?

    Or, should this all be done by a blower shop? Oddys shop is about 60 mi. away from me.

    FYI, this is for a lake use boat on alcohol so I dont need the super tight clearances of a race blower.

    I did a bunch of searches on re-building a blower and found nothing. Thought someone here might be able to help me....

    Thanks in advance.
    Be good, Jim
  2. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    call if you like 1-620-249-5909 Dave ..
  3. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    the very best advice i can give you is:

    Are you listening???

    Wear a leather glove when you pull the strips in :D
  4. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    call JR at RBS superchargers.
  5. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Blower strips

    Hi, I had a friend tell me to soak the new strips in hot water before installing them and then cut off the excess at the ends with a sharp razor. There are different types and shapes of stripping also, I would say call either JR at RBS at Rick said or Darren Mayer at DMPE, his number is listed on his website, He designs the Kobelco Blowers. SSI is also a good company to speak with, their number is listed in the performance directory on If the strips that are in there are not chewed up just wore down and you aren't looking for max performance you may be better off just leaving them alone as you have to re time the rotors I believe once you pull it apart. I had a lot of friends in fast bracket racing who just left them once they wore down for consistency purposes.

    Hope this helps some,
    Trevor Sherwood
  6. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    well its not that hard to do with the right tools you need a puller to pull both gears at the same timemake sure they have a alignment marke on them so you get them back in time the gears have to go on at the same time with each other a rotor fixture helps a bunch about an inch are so back from the end of the stripping cut a notch on each side of the stripping it will start to go in easier and gives you something to pull on gloves are good because if you slip it will cut the shit out of your fingures after you put the screws back in the rotors then cut the stripping off flush with the rotors make sure your rotors are in time with each other when you slide them back in the case it will be a tight fit all the way in if you have trouble getting them back in the end plate put a wood block on the floor and with the rotor opening towards you pick up the blower about two inchs and tap it down on the wood so they go all the way in the case this is just for the whites to do the blacks you need a very good lathe are let a professional do the blacks if you dont have the right tools let a pro do it good luck
  7. OwnBlock

    OwnBlock Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    If your going to re-teflon it yourself, after pulling the teflon in, leave the rotors in a nice warm sunny spot for 1/2 an hour or so before trimming the ends flush with the rotors, as the teflon will shrink back a little.
    Soaking the teflon in hot water and cutting a small notch each side of the lead part of the teflon is the go.
  8. Dale H.

    Dale H. Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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    If the blower is for a pleasure boat, I wouldn't go to the trouble in restripping it as in ten minutes of use it will be in the same shape as when you started. It wouldn't hurt to take the front cover off and check the gears for wear though.
  9. Jim W

    Jim W New Member

    Oct 13, 2007
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    Thanks guys for the help!

    The teflons all look good.
    The blacks are fair but one lobe had about a 3" strip missing.

    There is just a slight binding when rolling the rotors around. I can roll it over with my fingers on the lobes with no real problem.

    Only looking to make 15+ psi on a 468 BBC so with a little filing on the blacks, it might free up.

    I may just leave it alone????

    Or should I re-strip?

    Be good, Jim
  10. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    Give Don a call he is not that far for you to ship
    he can do the blacks and whites for you and it will be as good as new
  11. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    if thats all you need i would just run it it dont take much to make that
  12. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Loosen the blower bolts that hold it to the manifold and then see how the rotors rotate. If they don't have that resistance in rotation anymore then check the oring on top of the manifold and make sure it is not too thick. Take the gasket or oring off and tighten it back down and check the rotor rotation. If it has uneven resistance when bolted down without the gasket or oring but not when the blower is not tightened down then you need to true the top of the manifold.
  13. Jim W

    Jim W New Member

    Oct 13, 2007
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    Hey Mike,

    it's sitting on my kitchen counter......

    I just got a quote of $350.00 from Oddys for a re-strip and look over.
    Remove the blacks and use all teflon.

    the intake I have looks to be a BBC tunnel ram with the top cut off and converted to a blower manifold. Who ever did it did a really nice job. Lot's of hours doing it and it came out real nice. I seem to remember hearing about this being done years ago but never saw one before.
    2 problems though.

    1-- there is no water block off or passages. The intake is cut short front and rear. Should be able to solve that pretty easily.

    2-- there is no valley to the intake so the lifters, push rods etc are exposed. I don't ever remember seeing a valley block off plate for a BBC but there must be one out there to run this as a tunnel ram.

    Thanks guys, Jim
  14. Eric David Bru

    Sep 4, 2005
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    I would love to see some picts of this intake.

  15. Jim W

    Jim W New Member

    Oct 13, 2007
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    If someone would E-mail me I can send pics to be posted up here. Sorry I dont know how to post up pics. This thing is pretty cool.

    Anyone ever seen a tunnel ram with a seperate lifter valley cover????
    I can solve the water block off problem but the lifter valley deal would be tough.....

    Be good, Jim
  16. fuelalt

    fuelalt New Member

    Aug 12, 2008
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    blower manifold with valley pan

    Jim, did you sell this manifold early in '08? I bought one very much like you described, but I do have a valley pan with mine. The manifold is a Mersh I think. I had to have some machine work done to the pan for my tall deck application, but I think it is going to work ok. I'm just in the assembly stage now. Send me an e-mail if you still need info on the pan. Keep the huffer side up. Les

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