Bill Miller injection on PSI

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by top alcohol, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. top alcohol

    top alcohol New Member

    Nov 17, 2007
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    Just woundering if anyone try a Bill Miller injection on a PSI D for TA/D.What would be the avantage and disavantage of having one.
  2. JRB

    JRB Guest

    Might be a good idea. I THINK the main advantage of the Miller deal is the butterflys are directly over the opening of the top of the blower, allowing quicker response as far as the motor is concerned? Id try it
  3. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    nope. you would be funnelling the air into the center of the rotors it you put any roots style hat on a screw. the idea is to direct the air to the sides to keep from causing turbulence on top of the rotors.
  4. QPM

    QPM New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    The idea is to direct the air to the front of the rotors on a screw blower. the air moves from front to back through the progression of the helix. A roots blower moves the air from top to bottom and as such the opening runs along the length of the case, as opossed to the openning on a PSI in which the openning is primarily across the front. for the miller injector to work on a PSI it would have to be mounted perpendicular to its normal mounting direction. The openning dimensions are probably quite diferent the PSI has a "home plate" shaped openning and the roots have a mor or less rectangular openning. This could be solved with an adaptor plate similar to that for the new style carbon hats for PSI's. Then you would have to find/build a scoop to direct the air to the injector openning.

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