BAE 6/8 Heads

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by periclase, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. periclase

    periclase New Member

    Dec 3, 2008
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    Hi Everyone.

    As some of you may remember, I was building a EFI 481x combo. I have decided to scrap this, and go with an EFI Hemi combo, using either 6/8 heads.

    I will be using a twin turbo setup on this combo, and will be running amounts of boost aiming up toward 55psi.

    I take it for this reason (the high boost), that an alcohol head, and not a pro mod head should be used? (similar to high o/d requirements) ?

    Also, I will be using a air/ice intercooler, so this does alleviate the need for methanol to some extent. With colder intake charge, than say a typical blown alcohol combo, how would these heads work with C16 (or the like) ?

    Would twin mags be more advantageous with this fuel than they are with alcohol setups?


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