
Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by bill, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. bill

    bill Member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    whats the best brand of alcohol to run do any of them make more power and whos got the best deals
  2. jerry hunt

    jerry hunt New Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    Bill depeding where your at i have 55 gal drums for 220.00 if ican help just let me know thanks Jerry Hunt 314 568-2633
  3. bob szabo

    bob szabo FC / altered

    Jun 30, 2005
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    methanol is methanol

    If it is sold as pure methanol, it is supposed to be well over 99% methanol. It is a baseline compound that should behave the same regardless of supplier unless it is mixed with something else such as a top end lube or contaminated. There is a lot of good info previously on this site about top end lube experiences. Do a word search.
    There is a difference in NHRA and IHRA fuels test methods for the methanol classes. The fuel you can run at those events is the fuel that passes the fuel test. I am not sure it would necessarily pass a chemistry lab test however. There may be some differences. One of the Kinsler techs and others have mentioned observing differences from different suppliers, but I am not sure those experiences were with tested fuels. Just a reminder from other past posts on this forum that methanol absorbs moisture. So if it is stored, it must be in sealed containers. Plastic is microscopically porous and does allow for methanol moisture contamination if it is stored a long time or (in some cases) if the container is dipped in an ice water bath to keep it cool on a hot day.
    Bob Szabo, author of "5000 Horsepower on Methanol" and "Fuel Injection Racing Secrets"
    ps We posted on the above site some more of our IHRA tech stop articles, for free download.
  4. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    beer is beer

    Im sure somebody has set a world record on cheap commercial grade methonal;) but most of the big dogs run VPs m-1. its very clean, new drums, and consistant. It passes fuel check when others seem to struggle. Ive seen this in cart racing also. with all the many thousands of dollars in the race car program afew dollars saved on fuel is not the way I would go. my 2cts, the fuel costs about 350 a drum.

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