AFT 10.5 all titanium glide

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by Butch Blair, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Butch Blair

    Butch Blair Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    6 lever 6 large stand AFT all titanium glide (3 disk or 4 disk)
    It has 3 lock up levers installed also
    Comes with 2 titanium flywheels (hemi bolt pattern) 5/8" studs, new pilot bearings
    1 set of nuts
    1 additional set of studs
    8 new Bonifante clutch disk (1 1/2" hub)
    14 used clutch disk
    7 floaters, (3 cutter)
    2 input shafts for 8 1/8 or 8 5/8" can
    AFT spacer plate with candle stick that fits between bell housing and trans for more throw out bearing clearance
    needs current certification
    $5000.00 for all plus shipping
    925 229 3572

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