
Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hydrotherapy, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. hydrotherapy

    hydrotherapy Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    Been runing two hemi one with 5 heads and one with 6 heads both with black stands and high ratio rocker. one with the 6 heads has 7/16 adjusters with 3/8 balls on the intakes and 3/8 with 5/16 balls on the exhuast,the 5 heads have 3/8 adjusters and 5/16 balls on both intakes and exhuast .running about 490 lbs spring presure on both motors ,looking at the push rods all on both motors have 3/8 cups ,is this hurting anything ,we are not burning up adjusters or push rods.
    This is a altered that we run to about 8000 rpm going throught the lights,it's a roots blower car with a 3.90 gear with 30% od

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