A Very Big Thank You!!

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by PANMAN, Mar 21, 2007.


    PANMAN Super Comp

    Oct 10, 2003
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    After reading Wills wrap up for Steve Harker and crew I just want to send a very big thanks for the patience the Harker crew had for us in the 2'nd round. We were on target in the pits ?? unitl we warmed the car up!! NO OIL PRESSURE
    WOOPS, talk about a buzz kill!! with about 5 or 10 minutes till roll time we were to say the least alittle befuddled, we pretty much thought it was over.
    decision time. Pull the oil pump swap it out, spin the motor with the starter still no pressure, CRAP, now what we thought it would have been a roll pin. nope, pull the mag and check the pumpdrive, nope CRAP, ?? spin the motor with priming rod, we have oil pressure. WHY?? slap it back in phase the mag
    off we go!! Thanks god there was an NHRA offical on the corner of our pit block, tell them were coming pleeeeeeaaaaassse!!! after dodging fans a race cars with my poor team mate being dragged behind the tow vehicle NICE job ROY.. we finally made the starting line, strapped him in and the rest well it would not of happened if it were not for the SPORTSMANSHIP of our fellow racers the HARKERS.. not sure excatly how close we were from being sent back but pretty sure it was seconds. Again thank you STEVE. you and your team are truly the greatest!!! I guess thats what makes it fun!!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2007
  2. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    It is things like sportsmanship that make this sport so great. Some other teams could learn a lot regarding sportsmanship.

    I'm sure you know who you are...
  3. diecast153

    diecast153 New Member

    Aug 7, 2005
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    PANMAN:I have been in and out of this sport since the early 60's.I think that the only thing older than myself in DIVISION ONE is dirt.I think that when I went to my first drag race the earth was still cooling.I have met and worked with a ton of people.Not all were the type that you would take home to met MOM.I must state that 99.9% I would.For an example YOU & THE GILL CREW are OUTSANDING.As for STEVE HARKER and HIS CREW they are also OUTSTANDING people.Great people like that are hard for you to come by.Well there are those FRENCHMAN with that A/FD from CANADA.I think what I am trying to say that the people in DIVISON ONE are something special.I wish that STEVE would run DIVISON ONE.After all what is one more great running car going to hurt us.We only now have 10 or 12 going for 8 spots.What is one more.When the cars are in the box and all is quite the real half of these people come out.I regret missing the also ran party last year at MAPLE GROVE.There are not to many times that I have walked into a pit and not felt welcome.Be it a FUNNY CAR or a DRAGSTER they are all the same,GREAT PEOPLE.What you said that STEVE HARKER and HIS CREW did didn't shock me.I have walked into HIS trailer and talked one on one with HIM many times.What a GREAT GENTLEMAN he is and HIS WIFE is an OUTSTANDING LADY.By the way STEVE did you bring any more of that RUM or did SCOTTY send the promised 4X.I am not trying to SUCK UP to people.I am just stating FACTS.After all these years I still to look foward to another summer in the sun because of the people in DIVISON ONE.After what the DIVISON ONE RACER showed at GAINSVILLE what is ENGLISHTOWN going to be like?After all I should be there,good LORD willing and the creek don't rise.
  4. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    This is a great story, thank you for taking the time to write it and share.

    The Harkers are great!!!

    I can't say enough good lucks to Katie and Diane. I know Katie more from all of us racing together, and she's a hard worker and a Great Human Being!!! Mum & Dad have done a great job not only at the track, but away from the track as well.

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