871 to 1471 upgrade tuneup advice

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by caseyspradlin, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. caseyspradlin

    caseyspradlin Member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    I currently run 540 chevy big chief with bds 871 46% OD, 110 pump, MSD 10 ignition. Tune up from Gore was as follows.

    hat - 50 square
    ports - 1-8
    port check - 25#
    high side - 50
    high side check - 60#
    main is typically 115-130
    idle check - 8#

    I'm upgrading to littlefield 1471 HH retro and would like some advice on what I need to change fuel tune wise. Only planing on max 20% OD so don't want to upgrade pump just yet. Otherwise everything the same. I will add two nozzles to back of blower - like 40 jets probably.

    Still might send back to Gore but thought i would ask others that might already have this combo and save me some $$!

    Thanks for helping.
  2. THEKIDD1055

    THEKIDD1055 Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    You have mail..
  3. altered1

    altered1 Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    well inquiring minds want to read it to lets have no secrets lol:cool:
  4. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    Well, I'm too lazy to re-type all of this but this is what I sent to NitroBandit1 earlier this year. This is not exactly what you were looking for but may be of help. This is what has worked for me and may work for you but you need to know what your pump flows and be certain of it, not just the advertised flow. Just keep it safe and rich at first, make some half passes before full ones and buy a couple of cases of plugs, just creep up on it.

    "Hey Dan,

    Sorry it took me so long to get back, had to find my tuning sheet. I don't have much for the 110 pump stuff but what I can give you is what I use with a 990 pump as that is where you will probably need to go. I have a couple extra so if you need one, give me a shout. You may also want to go to a 1100 if you are going to be pushing this hard but this tune-up will run 6.20's on my 526 in a 2500LB car with a good Kobelco Hi-helix 14-71. I'm missing my fuel flow for this setup but will give you the jets. The flow of the pump is 15.8 GPM. The hat uses six nozzles, three on each side, the blower has four nozzles toward the rear with two on each side and the ports have one each. This is for a conventional head BBC with an Indy intake. K-style barrel valve.

    Starting from front to back on the hat nozzles, drivers side: 60,58,58. Passenger side: 60,58,58. The four in the back of the blower are all 36. With that set you can tune the ports. I want to richen the top nozzles some and lean the ports for better blower cooling and sealing but just have not got around to it.

    The port nozzles from front to back are: Drivers side: 63,56,54,52, Passenger side: 59,57,56,52

    I have used this with one single hi-speed set at 62lbs with a .070 pill. I'm currently running with two hi-speeds with the 1st opening at .055 @ 55lbs and the 2nd at .045 @ 73lbs. Pump saver is set to 150lbs.

    The main bypass I use is a .085 and this just about optimal with 50% over with a SSI B Rotor Hi Helix with an altitude of 3500". This would be very rich at 44.4% over. You have to know the air at Barona or wherever you run to keep it safe. If it is at 1000', I'd run this at .060 main with the 50% over or .050 at 0' to be safe. My blower is really a standard blower with cut down hi helix rotors so it does not produce as much boost as a good hi-helix. To be extra safe, I would really start at .020 smaller on the main for each altitude. May be really rich but it's better than chunks in the pan.

    I also run the 5671A-10 NGK as the others are too expensive and I don't see the value in them for what I'm doing now. With the above setup, it burns the cad down to about the 1st thread and colors the plug very good and in line with the advice that Mike Canter gives."

    Good luck and have a Happy Thanksgiving.



    Apr 18, 2005
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    secret tune up

    hey, i thought that was our secret!!!!!!!!!! now that cifcas done, i need a tune up for 6.30 top eliminator west!!!!!!!!! funny car or altered? hmmmmm 526 fontana with 3 speed lenco, 2 disk clutch, dmpe 5 blower at 250 over with nos.
  6. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    tune up

    WOW if you need all that to run a 6.30 you are doing something wrong. don


    Apr 18, 2005
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    new fc class

    its a new class called 6.0 funny car. its funny cars on 6.0 space saver tires on the rear (13 inch diameter of course) !
  8. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    LOL, your killing me Dan. You have to post some pictures of that.

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