6-71 mert,K-11 rotors

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by jr stanke, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. jr stanke

    jr stanke New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    we run a front engine car in the midwest just want to get some opinions on how fast I could spin this compressor before its not going to be efficient anymore. 477 chevy 8900 rpm in the lights. It has made 30 lbs sofar at 44 over. thanks for your input.
  2. Blownjet13

    Blownjet13 New Member

    Jan 19, 2007
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    Jim I have found That a 6-71 is out of air at 30-35% O.D. any thing more than that is just heating up the air going into the engine, and also causes detonation. depending on how close you are to your tune up now, you could back the blower down, and probably have to some fuel away,then play with the timing. Car won't be so violent on the hit and pull harder on the other end. The main thing is the motor will be a lot happier, and not be pinching rings, and knocking bearings out.

  3. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    Blower Rotor Speed

    As Jim Says Hot Air Is Not Good Air. If You Have A Way To Read Air Temp In The Manifold That Will Help Answer The Question. We Have Customers Running Up To 55 Over In Aa/gas With 6-71 Blowers And Alot Has To Do With Engine Rpm,engine Size,gear Ratios,fuel System, Etc. We Also Have Customers That Have Backed Down To 44 Over But Went To A Four Speed Instead Of A Three Speed To Help Keep The Engine Going Over 9,000 Plus Rpm's Turning The Engine Faster But Spinning The Blower Slower Making More Air At Less Air Temperature. I Think The Only Real Way To Tell Is Air Temp In The Manifold For Your Combo As You Speed The Blower Up Plus Tweak Your Fuel System You Will Be Able To Monitor The Air Temp To Decide What Is Working Best.

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