500 Cu. In. TFX Hemi, Ken Veney Heads-Just Freshened

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by DANA WARDELL, Jan 29, 2025.


    DANA WARDELL Authorized Merchant

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Fresh 500 Cu. In TFX Hemi with one window repair and fresh line bore, 4.175 standard, Bryant crankshaft with new rod and main bearings, Aluminum dragster/funny car pan. New Brooks aluminum rods with new, coated 4.375 bore pistons, new rings, 11.1 compression. Ken Veney aluminum heads with new valves and springs, new push rods, lifters, new copper solid head gaskets. Red stand rocker stands and rockers, push rods. New Bullet blown alcohol cam. Front gear drive cover and gear drive assembly. 8 mm top and bottom pullies with idler, belt, about 25% over combination. Enderle 110 pump 12.8 gph. Aluminum Veney valve covers. Mallory Mag V reworked to 7.5 amps, new wires, large cap. 14-71 SSI supercharger, excellent condition, with new snout, restraint plate and straps. New Enderle black Big and Ugly hat, nozzle bodies, distribution hat and manifold fuel lines and, distributions blocks, Enderle K-Valve and fuel lines, zoomie dragster headers. Fresh 70 wt. oil. Needs very little to finish and install, ready to run. Pictures available on request. Ready to ship after Mid March, out of town on business until then Contact Phoenix Motorsports LLC, phoenixmtrspts@gmail.com $28,995 plus freight or COD Texas.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2025

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