44amp coil lead

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by clarky, May 4, 2008.

  1. clarky

    clarky New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    we have just purchased a new race car that was originally fitted with a fontana based chev with the points box and coil mounts on the left side of the car. We run a hemi than runs the 44 amp mag on the right side of the motor.

    Was wondering if the length of the coil lead on the pro mag is an issue, new lead will be approx 50 inches long.

    We also use a crank trigger and three step rev limiter. We have gone from a dragster to a funny car and was wondering if we mounter the crank trigger retard box and three step under the seat (around 80 inches) from the msd points box if that would cause any issues

    thank you in advance

  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I think the coil wire would work OK for a short time then will fail fast. The coil wire gets eight times the usage of a plug wire. I think 50" is way to long. I would highly recommend relocating the coil to the other side of the motor.

    The cable from the crank trigger HAS to be shielded with the shield hooked to chassis ground and always kept as far away from other wires and ignition wires. MSD make a shielded crank trigger cable and I have tied two of them together and tied both the shields to chassis ground and have had no problems so far.

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